android - Sony SW2 RegistrationInformation -
I am trying to register a new app that is developed by me but it displays on the smartwatch 2 tablet app Does not happen. I'm sure the app tries to register because it is part of the This is my code: Thanks Your registration code looks ok some things To check: public contentValues getExtensionRegistrationConfiguration () code but I do not know what the problem is.
@override public contentwales Extension Registration Configuration () {String Extension Icon = Extension Utilities. Utrostring (MCTXX, RDRAY.x_actation); String icon hostspace = extensionaufault GetuRstring (mContext, R.drawable.icon); String Extension Icon48 = ExtensionUtils.getUriString (mContext, R.drawable.icon_extension48); String Configuration Text = mContext.getString (R.string.configuration_text); String extensionName = mContext.getString (R.string.extension_name); Material values = new material value (); Values.put (registration. Extension column. CONFIGURATION_ACTIVITY, Tangent CommunicationActivities.clash.gatName ()); Values.put (Registration Extension Column CONFIGURATION_TEXT, Configuration Text); Values.put (registration .extension column.EXTENSION_ICON_URI, extensionIcon); Values.put (registration .extension column.EXTENSION_48PX_ICON_URI, extensionIcon48); Values.put (registration .extension column.EXTENSION_KEY, getExtensionKey ()); Values.put (registration.extension column.HOST_APP_ICON_URI, iconHostapp); Values.put (registration.extension, extensionName); Values.put (registration.extension column.NIFIFICATION_API_VERSION, getRequiredNotificationApiVersion ()); Values.put (Registration Extension Column.PACKAGE_NAME, mContext.getPackageName ()); Return value; }
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