compiler construction - Code for translating JSP to a class for portlet -
I know that translating the JSP file into an SSVT (a Java class) file in Apache. I want to get the source code for this translator. I want to modify it to create a portal class. I need to translate JSP into Java class, where Java code creates code for portlet. I highly appreciate, if anyone can tell me where I can get an open source code for this translator / converter. Once my translator gets ready, there is nothing to release me as an open source, if someone needs such a converter.
Best regards, Raju
Here is the Tomcat source code repository: for example Here is the source code for the JSPC compiler:
Now, just my opinion.
The jsp pages can not be converted directly into the portal, because Portlets and JSP pages have different sets of restrictions to operate with web page structure. > But by the way - Good luck with that :)
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