javascript - how to get around chrome mailto maxlength limit -
Chrome's mail list length is approximately 2000 characters. It sounds good but in fact it is only sufficient for English language because the length is calculated after the For example, only for a Japanese character 'a ?? | ' The So is there any way to achieve this limit? Something like the setting of the Chrome plugin is acceptable. Edit I have finally decided to use a server side solution: To create a popup page emulate the mail client, Together, CC, Subject, Content as well as a Send Button After clicking the Send user button, the form will be submitted and the server will send the mail to the user It looks like a Microsoft Windows issue I have tried the following and works well with various browsers (Safari, Chrome 30 and 36, ...) on Windows requests will be shorter in approximately 2000 characters. It is without regard to what browser is being used. It seems that windows system uriy requests have a size limit . code> and javascript I have put both examples in this example encodeur .
encodur ('a ??' ')' becomes "% E3% 81% A6", which is 9 characters long, so I only have around 2/2000 = 200+ Japanese characters in my mail content I can type it really very small.
document.location = encodeuri ('mailto:? Body =' + text) with 100k characters in the message body.
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