php - Magento: adding css to a theme -
I picked up the task to modify a magenta subject and I already have a heavy headache.
So, I'm just trying to add a CSS to the page. Xml CSS is included only properly, however, the base URL is off my subject is rwd / default.
What can be happening?
You set your code to In this case, this call back functionality will work in such a way to some degree. Browser request browser of CSS file for Magento. Accepts Magento requests It looks like the current theme is being used. Magento recognizes the current theme Magento prepares the URL based on the subject. This is the Will check Magento for that file. Oops !!! It's not there. Magento thinks we check this file in Eureka ... file exists Therefore Magenta includes this URL for that CSS file If the file is not there, Magenta will be "desperate" and will tell us "Sorry, the requested file Do not find anywhere. " (literally) then shows the So what do you have to do, copy your main cass file from rwd / default . Magento has call back functionality built for theme management, it means that it will see a file in the
package / theme directory that you have defined via the administrator (if you have a custom theme set If not, the default package will be for
rwd / default for
Magento 1.9 and
default / default
& lt; magento 1.9 ) If the file is not found there, then that file will be
base / default Will be examined in Older.
rwd / theme. Bingo
skin / frontend / rwd / default / css / main.css < / P>
base / default . Therefore, this URL creates the
skin / frontend / base / default / css / main css and the file appears there.
no-detected error.
skin /frontend/base/default/css/main.css Go to
skin / frontend / rwd / default / css / main.css this will do the trick
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