Aviary integration with Android Studio: Could not find com.aviary.android.feather.sdk:aviary-sdk: -

I'm trying to add aviary through Maven via Android Studio but I get this error: < / P>

Error: There was a problem configuring the project: all dependencies for the 'myproj' configuration could not be resolved: 'myproj: _devDebugCompile' Com.aviary.android.feather.sdk: Aviary-sdk: could not be found. Required by: myproj: myproj: unspecified & gt; Myproj.libraries: mylib: unspecified

A group of conflicting libraries was something out My configuration looked like this:

  compile ('com.aviary.android.feather.sdk: aviary-sdk:') {Exclude module: Exclude the 'hlistview' module: Exclude the 'Support-4W' module: 'Commons-IO'}   

You can enter ./ gradlew -q dependency in your App Module directory Run out of knowing To see Ali libraries and exclude all those libraries that conflict with you.


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