Ogg metadata - Vorbis Comment end -

I want to apply a class to read vorbis comments. I know that the field will start with a field name followed by equal sign and value . But how does it end? The documentation I think will end a semicolon area, but I checked an OG file with a Hague editor and I do not see anyone.

It seems that I should look like a file:

  TITLE = my super title;  Field Name  is  Title  followed by  equal sign  and then value is  my super title  and finally  semicolon  to end the area  

but instead of inside my file, the fields look like this:

  TITLE = My super title ....   

This is almost as above but there is no semicolon . There are letters of that can not be displayed. I thought that's fine, it seems that the point represents a value that " this is the end of the field!" "But they are almost always different. I saw that there are always exactly 4 points, the first dot is always a different value, the other is usually the value of 0. But not always ...

Now my question is, how the field ends? How do I read this comment?

Besides, yes, I know that there are libraries and I should use them instead of changing the wheel again and again. I will use the libraries later, but first I should know how to do it. Educational purposes only

Each field is already a little-endian 32-bit integer which indicates that number to read Bytes again, you convert the bytes to a string through UTF8.

For details (see Load Comments (...).


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