Ogg metadata - Vorbis Comment end -
I want to apply a class to read vorbis comments. I know that the field will start with a field name followed by equal sign and value . But how does it end? The documentation I think will end a semicolon area, but I checked an OG file with a Hague editor and I do not see anyone. It seems that I should look like a file: but instead of inside my file, the fields look like this: This is almost as above but there is no semicolon Now my question is, how the field ends? How do I read this comment? Besides, yes, I know that there are libraries and I should use them instead of changing the wheel again and again. I will use the libraries later, but first I should know how to do it. Educational purposes only Each field is already a little-endian 32-bit integer which indicates that number to read Bytes again, you convert the bytes to a string through UTF8. For details (see Load Comments (...).
TITLE = my super title; Field Name is Title followed by equal sign and then value is my super title and finally semicolon to end the area
TITLE = My super title ....
. There are letters of that can not be displayed. I thought that's fine, it seems that the point represents a value that " this is the end of the field!" "But they are almost always different. I saw that there are always exactly 4 points, the first dot is always a different value, the other is usually the value of 0. But not always ...
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