chrome-extension: popup doesn't appear even with default_popup set -

I have tried to do everything, but whenever I click on the browser action button of my extension, the popup Does not display By clicking on the icon, the popup.html located on the directory src / cbrowser_action / popup.html is not shown, the console does not tell me any useful reason because I failed. I read a lot of other answers, but it all points out that I can not see anything.

Here is my manifest

  {"name": "tool", "version": "0.0.1", "manifest_version": 2, "description": "", "Icon_online": "", "icon": {"16": "icon / at", "48": "icon / on page", "128": "symbol / page on"}, "default_locale "," Background_action ": {" default_icon ":" icons / on.png "," n "," background ": {" page ":" src / bg / background. Html "," persistent ": true} Default_popup ":" popup.html "," permissions ":" ["run_at": "document_and", "" "," management "," tabs "," webrcc " "," WebNavigation "," WebRequenceblocking "," Storage "]," content_script "matches": ["& lt; All_urls & gt; "]," Js ": [" src / lib / jquery.min.js "," src / inject / content.js "]," CSS ": [" src / inject / content.css "]}]}   

popup html

  • DOCTYPE html> gt; top & gt; & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "popup.js" & gt; & lt; / script & gt; Title & gt; & lt; / title & gt; & lt; / head & gt; LT; Body & gt; Asdfsup & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html>


      console.log ('Load');    

    console.log does not output to page console Right-click the console scope browser action icon for popup and click on "popup Shn by "pop-up.

    Logging output should show up there.

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