git - How to change postgresql.conf default values on Openshift -
I'm running CakePHP installation on OpenShift for six months. I database is PostgreSQL 9.2, I set up the I'm using this GIT repository for set up Whether Opensift has I need to change this < Pre> You should not directly edit data / posterscroll config as it was rebuilt after starting the configuration / restart goes. / P> I add D Thanks for reporting it! If you need more configurations, please open a bug: -) Postgresql.conf file through open file in another postgresql.conf, editing
PostgreSQL / data / postgresql.conf (there is
postgrescill / con / postgrescill.conf) which did not change after the DB resume), after installing the file for the first time, everything was fine, to date that I Has pushed some changes, so the application restarted the database, and the application was showing me the errors related to the database datastyle, it is true that the
postgresql / data / postgresql.conf file was reset I tried to change the default configuration, but after restarting the application
Postgresql.conf Changed the way Nfigr? Is there any other way of changing the default value of
postgresql.conf ?
# -------- ------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------- - # Client Connection Defect # ------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------- --- # - Locale and formatting - datestyle = 'ISO, mdy' lc_messages = ' En_US.utf8 'lc_monetary =' en_US.utf8 'lc_numeric =' en_US.utf8 'lc_time =' en_US.utf8 'default_text_search_config =' pg_catalog.english '
datestyle = 'ISO, DMY' lc_messages = 'es_BO.utf8' lc_monetary = 'es_BO.utf8' lc_numeric = 'es_BO. The issue has been reported to: P>
OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_LOCALE environment variable You can use to change the default locale This should be available in the next release of online.
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