git - How to change postgresql.conf default values on Openshift -

I'm running CakePHP installation on OpenShift for six months. I database is PostgreSQL 9.2, I set up the Postgresql.conf file through open file in another postgresql.conf, editing PostgreSQL / data / postgresql.conf (there is postgrescill / con / postgrescill.conf) which did not change after the DB resume), after installing the file for the first time, everything was fine, to date that I Has pushed some changes, so the application restarted the database, and the application was showing me the errors related to the database datastyle, it is true that the postgresql / data / postgresql.conf file was reset I tried to change the default configuration, but after restarting the application

I'm using this GIT repository for set up

Whether Opensift has Postgresql.conf Changed the way Nfigr? Is there any other way of changing the default value of postgresql.conf ?

I need to change

  # -------- ------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------- - # Client Connection Defect # ------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------- --- # - Locale and formatting - datestyle = 'ISO, mdy' lc_messages = ' En_US.utf8 'lc_monetary =' en_US.utf8 'lc_numeric =' en_US.utf8 'lc_time =' en_US.utf8 'default_text_search_config =' pg_catalog.english '  

this < Pre> datestyle = 'ISO, DMY' lc_messages = 'es_BO.utf8' lc_monetary = 'es_BO.utf8' lc_numeric = 'es_BO. The issue has been reported to: P>

You should not directly edit data / posterscroll config as it was rebuilt after starting the configuration / restart goes. / P>

I add D OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_LOCALE environment variable You can use to change the default locale This should be available in the next release of online.

Thanks for reporting it! If you need more configurations, please open a bug: -)


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