java - Libgdx iOS - GC Capability Mismatch -

I am working with LibGDX on a cross platform game, but I went to a wall while panning on IOS looks like . I should keep in mind that Android and desktop make runs, but I have not yet tried to build web build. The error I get is:

  ios-sim [3399: f07] error in loading / application / / content / shade framework / dwtfoundation.framework / dwtfoundation: dulppen (/ Application / / Content / Shade Framework / DVTF Foundation / Framework / DVT Foundation, 265): No suitable image was found. What was found: [Error] / Applications / Exd.Ep / Continents / Sherfarmwork / DVT Foundation. Framework / DVT Foundation: GC capability inconsistent [error] Unable to dvtFoundationBundle Error:   

This is the IOS Along with my first encounter, I am not familiar with internal workings, but from similar topics I have seen solutions from downgrading the iOS simulator to enable garbage collection. From the area Unfortunately, I have to use one of them can not understand it.

In addition, a bit background on my setup, I'm running RoboEm 0.0.13 and libGDX 1.2.

Thanks in advance for any help. Any person can offer.

So I understood it ... It has come to know that it had something to do with the encoded and iOS simulator. Finally, a simple update of the encoded via App Store solved my problem.


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