Test coverage with Karma, browserify and Coffeescript -

I'm having trouble adding test code coverage, I am using Karma and files to be added in Karma Is already bundled with the browser, so it looks like in Karma.Conf.Coffee :

  files: [{Pattern: 'bin / public / Client / app.js', served: yes: included: yes} {pattern: 'src / lib / vendor / angular-mocks / angular-mocks.js', of service: yes: included: yes} {pattern From: 'bin / tests.js', WA: Yes: is included: no}]   

and he works to run the test but does not have coverage

I Karma- coverage npm package, and this:

  Preprocessor: 'bin / public / client / app.js': [' Coverage '] Correspondents: [' Progress ',' Coverage ']   

Actually the Convention State files are made, but they are completely wrong because it changes the parts of the browser brought from node_modules (because my Catch them near I do not have a test for them).

Ideally I have to gather those source maps that generate the browser, and co-runs against those people, but browser .js files to .js Embeds in files. Using the Karma-Script-Loader , I see the original coffeescript files for testing (for some reason it only works in Chrome's Canary, still works).

I tried to do preprocessors: 'src / client / ** / *. Coffee ': [' coverage '] , but it does not tell any data that' no data to display '

Do you have any ideas?


Let me run browserify-istanbul and he gave me a nice picture like this: Enter the image details here

Now, let me in any way get the app from it. It needs to be removed, because in fact it does not make any difference and actually confuses


Oh, instead of using me in javascript The files are supplied:

  Preprocessor: {'bin / tests.js': [' sourcemap ']' src / client / ** / *. Coffee ': [' Coverage ']}    

I think of one of my own questions In addition to this, it seems that there is a bug in the current version of karma-coverage - when it is coverageReporter.type html (which defaults HTML). I'm glad I thought it. It is always good to see how many codes are covered by the tests


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