ant - Checking inputs before running dependent tasks -
I have an ant build script that I need to compile part of my project (this is included in the creation of a third party I use the system for javascript libraries).
I want to wrap the griddle around this, so I have imported ant build, and I can successfully implement ant targets through Grad. I have also added the input and output of the target and input, so that if they do not need
they will not work, they work on ant targets - they mostly import configuration and settings Do this through dependence on a Any suggestions? Example the built-in build script ( Ideally, when I run Any suggestions? Up-to-date checks for init , which takes approximately 4-5 seconds to build runs
build Xml ):
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Project name = "MyOffix" default = "build" & gt; & Lt; Target name = "init" /> & Lt; Target name = "build" dependent = "init" & gt; & Lt; Echo message = "hello" file = "output.txt" /> & Lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Project & gt; Example level script (
build.gradle ) to go with it:
ant.importBuild 'build.xml' Build {Inputs.dir file ('src') outputs.file file ('output.txt')}
gradle build I do not want to run
init if
build is up-to-date.
init will be done only after running. What you can do is to declare the same input for
init , and if there is no file output in it, then
outputs.upToDateWhen {true} . Perhaps it meets your needs.
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