Difference between FutureTask and AsyncTask in android -

I know the difference between FutureTask and AsyncTask in Android Want to According to my thinking we can get current status in Futuratsk. Using the Executable Service we can create a pool of parallel processes. I can get the same property using AsyncTask when I want to use the Ascend Task and the use of FutureTasks

I have asked a Question but no answer met. Now I think I should change the way my domain web server obtains data. So I think I should use the FutureTask because they have the work IDone ()

and cancel Please do not allow me to recover data from some web-services. Guides the way. Because the adapter of my text view is very slow.

Or just need to cancel the incompatible task I run or replace with it when the user calls w for AsyncTask and when it is in AutoTextview Words will call it three times for waka and wak and waka for one Is it possible to cancel the running work when users will press another text? See my

provides callback ( onPreExecute , onProgressExecute , And onPostExecute ) are guaranteed to run on the UI thread.

Provides no callback and does not know anything about the Android UI thread In fact, the Android application should not call Future.get () from the UI formula, Because it can be blocks.

For typical Android app development, AsyncTask .


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