javascript - OS X WebKit WebView don't show JS Popups -
I've just started to develop with xCode because I need a Vebvi container for the website is still working Does, but I can not logout on the website because in a popup window (in a web browser) is asking whether I was sure to log out. I think this is made with javascript.
The web view setting contains a checkbox labeled "Allow popup", but after clicking, there is no popup in my app.
I searched for two hours and found nothing related to my problem.
This was a confirmation () Javascript function.
I've had to work with it:
- (minus) Avedndifinif launch: (NSNotification *) A {[webView setUIDelegate: self]; // & lt; ------- This is an important part !!! [[Webview Preferences] SetJavaScript disabled: Yes]; [[Webview Preferences] SetJavaScriptTapApenWindowsAutomatically: Yes]; [[Vebvive Frim] Loderkwast [Ansuarar request with url: [Ansdbluar URLWithString: homeURL string]]]; } and
- (bool) Webview: (WebView *) This runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage: (NSString *) Message initiatedByFrame: (WebFrame *) frame {NSInteger result = NSRunInformationalAlertPanel (NSLocalizedString (@ "JavaScript", @ ""), // the message header, // message NSLocalizedString (@ "fix canceled" // default button NSLocalizedString (@ "", @ ", @"), ""), // alt button zero); Return NSAlertDefaultReturn == Results; } More info and.
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