ruby - Generate hex numbers based on percentage -
I see a way to generate gradual hexadecimal color based on ruby with a percentage.
0% = # 6da94a 50% = # decc30 100% = # ce2d4a Then programmatic hexadecimal values are generated between those people.
So I have something like percent_to_hex (10) and that the hexadecimal value exceeds 10% with gradient gradient between 0% (green) and 50% (yellow) Will go
In fact, Trailston's answer is a minor mistake.
(x + percent * 100 * (y - x)). Goal should be converted to :
(X + percent / 100.0 * (Y - x)). Goal In addition to i.to_s (16) will be a problem if you have 0 255), as you can get the result like "ff0ff" I recommend using "% 02x"% i instead. This is an absolute example:
def percent_ to_hex (percent, start, stop)) color = [start, stop]. C. C.scan (/../). Map {| S | S.to_i (16)} end color_ int = do | X, y | (X + percent / 100.0 * (Y - X)). Round end {| I | "% 02x"% i} End ("") end
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