file - how to set a temp upload directory in php -

I try to file a simple upload and I want to fix the upload directory to upload the file but IA Line I have tried many ways to do this and I got this error : failed to open the stream.

I've tried this type of code like / html5unchained / imgs / ' and this is c: / wamp / www / html5unchained / imgs / and this c: // wamp // www // html5unchained // imgs //

  $ Upload Dear = 'C: \ wamp \ www \ Html5unchained \ imgs'; $ Uploadfile = $ uploaddard basename ($ _ files ['userfile'] ['name']); Move_uploaded_file ($ UploadFile, $ UploadDider);   

I have tried any help in all posiblities

The files uploaded to the server can be configured with the location configuration option.


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