ios - loadDataSource issue when changing ViewControllers -
My root view is a This method is similar to and My problem occurs when I use is that I have all my Put a breakpoint in your function (click on the line number) which is very much said Goes bar and then runs the app. This will give you a good stack trace, whose functions are calling: The function at the top is the one where your breakpoint is, and the trace down takes you to your breakpoint every single function call. Grade-Out functions are internal functions, while those with dark text may possibly work in your application. Click them and the encoded will show you the code that is calling the next function. To continue the debugging, click on the output window (console) and enter (or type C -> enter) to access the next breakpoint. PSCollectionView (). In this class I have the method
loadDataSource that loads data from my web service.
- (zero) loadDataSource {NSLog (@ "Load Data Source"); NSMutableArray * Main Listings = [Utils getPosts: selectedCategory Start: @ "0" Date: @ "0"]; Self.waterflowViewData = Main listing; [Self. Waterflow Pulatorefreevase stop animating]; // This happens when I pull it to refresh to call. }
rootView in
[in self loadDataSource] goes ];
in the pullToRefresh method like this
__compatible ViewController * weakSelf = self; [Weak self-loading data source];
ViewController by
self.navigationController this method
loadDataSource being called . It is only being called in two places I have searched. Even when I return from the fourth
ViewController to the third
ViewController from 'loadDataSource' (I check with NSLog). Why is it happening because it makes the app slow and uses web service resources
< Code> - (zero) addButtonClickEvent: (ID) sender {log in view view controller * login view = [[log inview controller alloc] init]; [Self. Navigation Push ViewController: Animated Login: Yes]; }
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