java - getY() returning 0 upon adding a JComponent -

I'm new to swing so that I read through the Java tutorial and the API. I am playing with the subclass of JComponent ( DTPicture -supports drag and drop). Actually I'll create a panel with GridLayout . Then I populate the panel with the DTPicture object I inherited the I code getLocation () . When you call it, the value is 0. When I run a GUI, then I see the DTPicture objects spread vertically, then why is returning getLocation 0?

Thank you.

Below is my code: * Everything else has been initialized, declared, implemented.

  Public class Rackbluilder tool extends JPanel {// maplake slot # for JPNL public static point [] slot IDARRE = new point [42]; Public RackBuilderTool () {Super (New Grid Layout (42, 1)); // DTPICTURE [] Rack slotare = new dcPicture [42]; For (int i = 0; i <47; i ++) {// Add (new element label ()); DTPPrint temp = new DTP image (empty); Println (add (floating) .getLocation ()); // DTPCare Component Slot IDARA [i] = Template place (); }}  

While calling this, the value is 0.

When I run a GUI, then I have DTTexture objects spread vertically

Layout Manager to determine the size / location of a component Is responsible. However, layout manager only applies when you use pack () or setVisible (true) on one frame.

If you add an element to a visible frame, you must use the modified () method to declare the Layout Manager.

Think about it, the layout manager can not do it until all the components have been added to the panel, because it will not know how much the size of each component is, especially in a grid In the case of all the components of the layout, the same size is made of the largest component. So how do you know that until all components have not been added, what is the biggest component? It will not be very efficient to make the layout every time the component is added.


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