c# - How to parse this json in List? -

I am developing a Windows farm in Framework 4.0. I am using JSON.NET I have the following json in the string variable. I have 10 classes in JSO. How to parse the following JSN and convert it to list

  [ "{{" Id ": 1," OEPTitle ":" Algebra "}, {" Id: "," ClassUrl ":" Engineering Soviser 12014A "," OepTital ":" Engineer "," Subject ": {" Id " "Engineer", "OEPTitle": "Mathematics"}], "Earsquaked": True}, {"Classroom": 7, "Classroom URL": "Engineer 2014 A", "OEPTital": "Engineer", "Subject": [ {"Id": 1, "otitillate": " "Class": "engineer, 22014A", "OEPTITAL": "classified": "", "octetal": "mathematics"}} "{{"} ": {" class " ["Id": "," "topic"): {{"id": 1, "opeital": "algebra"}, {"id": "engineer 3", "subject" "," "Mathematics"}]}, {"class": 9, "classual": "engineer 32014A" OEPTitle ":" algebra "}, {" id ": 2," OEPTitle ":" Mathematics "}}, {" Classroom ": 10," Class URL ":" Engineer 32014b "," OepTital ":" Engineer 3 "," Subject ":" {1} "," OEPTitle ":" Algebra "}, {"Id": 2, "OEPTitle": "Mathematics"}, {"Id": 8, "OEPTitle": "english"}], "E "England" ("ID": 2, "OEPTitle": "Maths"}, {"Id": "Class"), "Classroom": "Engineer 52014b", "OepTital": "England" 8, "OEPTitle"), ["id": "," subject "": ["id": 1, "OEPTitle": "algebra"}, "": "english"}]}, {"class": 13, "Classual": "Engineer 62014b", "OEPTital": "Engineer 6", "Subject": [{"ID": 1, "OEPTTLE": "ALPINE"}, "CLASS": 16, "Classual ":" IECTTL ":" IIFTTLE ":" IIPTTLE ":" MIT "}, {" ID ": 8," OEPTTLE ":" english "}}}," IEPTTLE ":" OEPTITAL ":" MACEN {"Id": 4, "oePTital": "chemical"}}}, {"orbit": 6, "opeital": "history"}, {"id": 4, "section" "Classroom": "Engineer 12014A", "OEPTital": "Engineer 1", "Subject": [{"ID": 1, "OEPTTLE": "ALPINE"}, {"ID": 2, "Class" {"ID": 4, "OEPTTLE": "chemical"}}}: "," "mathematics"}, "" id ": 6," otitil ":" history "}, {" id " {"Id": 1, "opeital": "algebra"}, {"id": 2, "opeital"): "class": "engineer 42014b", "opeital": "engineer 4", "subject" : "Math", "" ID ": 8," OEPTitle ":" history "}, {" Id " : 4, "OEPTitle": "chemical"}, {"Id": 8, "OEPTitle": "english"}]}]    


  public class subject {public entity ID {received; Set; } Public string OEPTitle {get; Set; }} Public class root object {public ent class {get; Set; } Public String ClassUrl {get; Set; } Public string OEPTitle {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; Subject & gt; get themes; Set; } Public Bull IArchived {get; Set; }}   

And now, you can use JSON.NET:

  list & lt; RootObject & gt; RootObj = JsonConvert.Deserialize & lt; List & lt; RootObject & gt; & Gt; (YourJsonHere);    


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