iphone - iOS XCode getting IDEPseudoTerminalDomain error 1 -
I am trying to prepare an app for iOS using XCode. The app works fine on the iPhone simulator but throws the error "IDEseseudoTerminalDomain Error 1" before running it
If I try to run everyone on the iPad simulator, then it does not exactly open the simulator.
Can not do the operation? (IDEPseudoTerminalDomain Error 1.) Please tell me why this error is coming and how to protect it.
Thanks in advance.
By doing this try increasing the maximum number of pseudo terminals Do: sudo sysctl -w kern.tty.ptmx_max = 999 To permanently make permanent changes from the current terminal session, do this:
Sudo Touch /etc/sysctl.conf sudo chown root: wheel /etc/sysctl.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/sysctl.conf echo "kern.tty.ptmx_max = 999" | Go to bartoszj on Sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf credits
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