python - Proper use of Flask-ldap -

I am currently trying to use Flask-LDAP for Sandman's authentication purposes, unlike normal python LDAP where The documentation is pretty straight forward, it is very offbase.

Examples from the document. flask.ext.ldap Import from flask import bottle to , flask.ext.pymongo from login_required Import PyMongo app = bottle (__name__) app.debug = true app.config ['LDAP_HOST '] =' 'app.config [' LDAP_DOMAIN '] =' 'app.config [' LDAP_SEARCH_BASE '] =' OU = domain user, dc = example, dc = com 'app.config ['LDAP_LOGIN_VIEW'] = 'custom_login' app.config ['MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'simpledb' Mongo = PyMongo (app, config_prefix = 'mongo') ldap = LDAP (app, Mongo) app. Secret_key = "welfhwdlhwdlfhwelfhwlewfelwehflwefwlehflwfwlefjfhwfjfwlehflwefhlwefhlewjfhwelfjhweflhweflhwel" ap.ed_url_url ('/ login', 'login', ldap.login, methods = ['gET', 'post'])

How can I enter my DN or password, I am fully confused how it works.

Has anyone used Flask-LDAP effectively and if so, how did you set it up? Or is there a better product, such as a flask-login which I should use?

Thank you,

Bottle: Entrance is OK and for session management, The actual lib will be so that you will need it. is the question of ldap of the flask, yes it is not well documented p ... ...

but it can be useful for you (this is one for the flask, including the login assistants The full feature looks like ldap lib): flask_ldap_login at


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