struts2 - Displaying total number of sub groups in a group -

After text "itemprop =" text ">

I am using struts2 jqgrid if i use there a way in which i show the number of sub groups in Want to know a group For example

  -grp1 Total records 8 total sub groups 2 + subgrp1 total records 4 + subgrp2 total records 4 -grp2 total records 6 total sub groups 1 + subgrp1 total records 6 + grp3 total records 6 total sub groups 2   

How can I display the number of subgroups in a group

I Total records 6

  can be obtained by using the total records: {1}   

How can I not seem to get a total of the sub grid


Thanks for Oleg, my problem is solved and the solution is

  Function groupFormater (cellval, does not, rowObject, action) {var groupIdPrefix = opts.gid + "ghead_", groupIdPrefixLength = groupIdPrefix.length, name = {}, data, i, l, item; If (opts.rowId.substr (0, groupIdPrefixLength) === groupIdPrefix & amp; amp; amp; amp; typeof operation === "undefined") {data = $ (this) .jqGrid ("getGridParam" "data"); (I = 0, l = data. Length; i & lt; l; i ++) for {item = data [i]; If (item.grp1 === cellval) {name [item.grp2] = item.grp2; }} Return Cellval + "Total Sub Group:" + Object. Key (name). Length; } Return cellulit; }    


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