Add Caldroid library in Android Studio -
I have a problem when adding a library to Android studios I try several different ways to add but this does not work Will I use Android Studio 0.8.2
- First of all, I have created the original folder named
libraries .
- I pasted a new folder
- Then, I pasted the downloaded files in the
/ libraries folder.
- After that, I changed the following files. Include: 'library: caldroid: library'
dependency {compile ' v7: 20. +' compilation ' Play services: 4.0.30' compiled File Tree (DIR: 'Libs', includes: ['* .jar']) Compilation Project (': Library: Calderoid: Library')}
But I get this error :
Error: Configuration with name 'default' was not found.
How to fix it
I'm late < / P>
To import an external library for Android Studio, I follow this conference:
- Create
app directory in the Libs folder. Then copy the required library files in the
libs folder For example, in my folder there are
actionbarsherlock and
caldroid folders.
- Caldroid has library dependency that can be downloaded, you can do this in the
Build.gradle file (besides, make sure the gradle files are the correct SDK version). Download
hirondelle-date4j-1.5.1-source.jar .
- In the
libs folder
app / lib / / caldroid / . Copy
hirondelle-date4j-1.5.1-sources.jar to
ap / libs / caldride / lbs / . You can call it from
android-support-v4.jar to
-User_Home- / Android / Sdk / extras / android / support / v4 / to
ap / lid / caldode / lbs / . Open
App / Libby / CalDride / Build.Grid and replace
compile 'com.darwinsys: hirondelle-date4j. 1.5.1 '
with compile files (' libs / hirondelle-date4j-1.5.1-sources.jar ').
- In the Android studio, open
Settings.gradle and add this line to
: App: Libs: Calderride '. Next, open "
build.gradle (module: AP)" and add this line to the
compile project (': App: Libs: Calderoid') in
dependencies .
And that is, now allow to slowly "sink" or clean and build up your project.
- Caldroid has library dependency that can be downloaded, you can do this in the
- I pasted a new folder
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