Add Caldroid library in Android Studio -

I have a problem when adding a library to Android studios I try several different ways to add but this does not work Will I use Android Studio 0.8.2

  • First of all, I have created the original folder named libraries .
  • I pasted a new folder
  • Then, I pasted the downloaded files in the / libraries folder.
  • After that, I changed the following files. Include: 'library: caldroid: library'


      dependency {compile ' v7: 20. +' compilation ' Play services: 4.0.30' compiled File Tree (DIR: 'Libs', includes: ['* .jar']) Compilation Project (': Library: Calderoid: Library')}   

    But I get this error :

      Error: Configuration with name 'default' was not found.   

    How to fix it

    I'm late < / P>

    To import an external library for Android Studio, I follow this conference:

    1. Create app directory in the Libs folder. Then copy the required library files in the libs folder For example, in my folder there are actionbarsherlock and caldroid folders.
    2. Caldroid has library dependency that can be downloaded, you can do this in the Build.gradle file (besides, make sure the gradle files are the correct SDK version). Download hirondelle-date4j-1.5.1-source.jar .
    3. In the libs folder app / lib / / caldroid / . Copy hirondelle-date4j-1.5.1-sources.jar to ap / libs / caldride / lbs / . You can call it from android-support-v4.jar to -User_Home- / Android / Sdk / extras / android / support / v4 / to ap / lid / caldode / lbs / . Open
    4. App / Libby / CalDride / Build.Grid and replace compile 'com.darwinsys: hirondelle-date4j. 1.5.1 ' with compile files (' libs / hirondelle-date4j-1.5.1-sources.jar ').
    5. In the Android studio, open Settings.gradle and add this line to : App: Libs: Calderride '. Next, open " build.gradle (module: AP)" and add this line to the compile project (': App: Libs: Calderoid') in dependencies .

      And that is, now allow to slowly "sink" or clean and build up your project.


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