Hiding an element in ClearCase -
I am trying to hide an element in my ClearCase view. I have defined the following line in my config spac: < / P>
element / path / to / some / element -none further down in my config spec, this is included in another config spec (which in turn Other config glasses and so on - there is a complete mess, but I can not change it). I'm pretty sure there is another line in setting this element to a tagged version when I see that / Pre> what -none option element exaggerated by a tag? If so, how can I work around this?
I confirm that a config spake will not operate well a symbolic link.
There is no VOB symbolic link area.
A VOB symbolic link is listed in one or more versions of the directory element (listed)
A vob symbolic link (for example, after moving the elements has been seen)
Vob , even without talking about the symlink, it mentions that ClearCase config will not resolve the end point of the uncompressed wildcard or unrelated recursive rule symlink.
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