java - Maven: error required library -
I am trying to reactivate a Maven project, but when I am performing a JUnit test I am getting this error: When I am checking the library I .jar file, just in case I have downloaded it again, but still I have the same error . I'm actually starting out in Maven and this is my first try. First of all, I made an example with maven-archetype-quickstar , but when I'm trying to make the exam If you use Eclipse IDE, you should restart it. Or you can delete the project and import it again. You should clean and refresh the project or you can remove that folder which contains a corrupt .jar file and mvn install Run Mandr. Make sure that you enter the .jar file in the correct file (if your computer has several .m2 folders). You should open the .jar file by 7Zip to test this < / P> Description Resources Path Location Type Required Library Archive for: 'C: / ... m2 / repository / org / eclipse / ui / workbench / 3.3 .0-I20070608-1100 / Workbench-3.3.0 -E 20070608-1100.jar 'project-test' can not be read in project or valid pin file is not available Create path path path problem
Hello World , I get this error Here's my error described here, but I can not remove it: Anyway, I can run the test alone. The Java class and it is successfully executed. So, now I am trying to use an existing project (which I wrote in the beginning here) and before saying that I remember artistry
org.eclipse.xtend I have made dependency for it, but I have searched it for the .jar file in the reference library, but to find it where should I find it (because I still have this error): & gt;
ArtifactTransferException: Failure to move org.eclipse.xtend: org.eclipse.xtend.standalone: jar: the 2.4.3 of cash in the local repository The resolution was that, until the interval of the interval of the interval is over or the updates are not compelled, it will not be recovered. The original error: artifacts org.eclipse.xtend: org.eclipse.xtend.standalone: jar: from 2.4.3 / Central ( could not be moved : No response was received after 60000 OK, when I tag
& lt; Path & gt; , then it can be found, but after that I think the build path is the error I mentioned earlier: (
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