python - Accented column names, introspection and mapping -
I want to use a legacy MSSQL database using SQLAlchemy. With the basic schema inspection I can already list the columns of tables in which I am interested. Unfortunately, the names of these columns are sometimes desired characters (such as "Magajhijhemai Livy", "Levelejhesisisiaiaiaraaaasisamajh"). / P>
My only requirement is to be able to query this DB.
I've listed some of the database name for you by using the following command
def inspect_komplex_table (): Table = Table ( 'D_Allomanylista_Komplex_V', Meta, autoload = True, Autoload_with = engine) return table def get_columns (): keys = inspect_komplex_table (). Columns.keys () keys.sort () returns txt = '\ n' type (txt.encode ( 'utf8')) A (long it column_names) list ( ' Column_names.txt ',' w '). .txt file with lines:
... JUTE? RVKZad KZET KTTSAMAM PKLAB of Kamratigzam ?? K Lejhrlet Levelejhesi Siaimaiaraaiaa Tissaajiam Levelejhes C. Utka Levelejia Sisiamvioaros ... I have tried to make an original mapping before without the columns
class BiztositasokModel (object): def __init __ (self, UgyfKod): self.ugyfelkod = UgyfKod where UgyfKod is an introspection of the column, but Mapper (Bjattasoc Model, Inspect_Comlex_Table ()) U Nickode encoded error Can someone give me an idea to handle such a DB? While
I have managed to find the answer, using a declarative syntax, second, classical mapping using the.
Apply a method to change the mapping column default naming scheme to Python object properties.
The answer to classical mapping is:
Answer: Using a declarative syntax:
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