Selenium Python - Test if an element exists in the page -
I'm new to Selenium and I would like to write a Python script that searches for some keywords on Google and automatically The page opens and the keywords are found.
I'm trying to work with the script:
Selenium from Selenium Import WebDriver Com.exceptions Import timeout selenium from Akspshn import import WebDriverWait select Import selenium.webdriver as EC selenium.common.exceptions. imports NoSuchElementException by the support import expected_conditions, then __name__ == "__main__": driver = webdriver.Firefox () wait = WebDriverWait (driver, 100) driver.get ( "") inputElement = driver .find_element_by_name ( "q") inputElement.send_keys ( "Irwin Quan") wait.until (EC.element_to_be_clickable ((By.XPATH, "//a[@href=' '] "))) Blog = driver.find_element_by_xpat H (" //a[@href=' '] ") blog .click () driver.quit () This works perfectly in the Xpath page, though, if it is not, we always wait for it.
How can I check that an element exists, and if it is there, then I click on it?
I tried "" as it has been given in the documentation, or NoSuchElementException , but I "dual deny" - [try: EC driver = webdriver.firefox () Import from imported_conditions to as driver.get ("// somedomain / url_that_delays_loading http") Import WebDriverWait by element = WebDriverWait (driver, 10) .until (EC.presence_of_element_located ((By.ID, "myDynamicElement"))) finally: driver.quit () finally, I would like a while loop, which results in Google The page number goes to x and every Salvation is to find a specific address.
If someone can give me a hand which will be great! I'm pretty sure that this is trivial, but despite all the documents available availab online I have not been able to do this work for the past few days ...
= "post- Text "itemprop =" text "> Here is a little cover for WebAlement I, I've written, hope that it helps
class element (object): def __init __ (self, xpath = none): self.xpath = xpath def __get_element (self):. Return driver () find_element_by_xpath (self.xpath) def is_exist (self): try: return self .__ NoSuchElementException, e except get_element () is_displayed () :. Logger.exception (e.message) false return You can not click on the element that is not visible, first you need to expose it, and then only after Click
Hope it helps
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