Parse parenthesized Boolean String Expressions with Java -

I need to evaluate the bracket expression found in a string. I need to deal with variable expressions So I need to find a way to parse it in Java in a Boolean expression to evaluate it in Java. I is an example for a string expression:

  string boolexp 1 = "(right! (Wrong) & amp;; ((true) ^ ( F)) ")   

are possible operator brackets, and, or, XOR, No. Since this is already a Java-processed expression, I thought it was easy to parse it I could not think of an elegant solution, I have got some code online, but it either deals with other operators, without any bracket or even complex.

I use javascript Resolved:

  String Boolexp 1 = "(! (Right!); & Amp;; (true) ^ (true))" Boolean result = (boolean) New script engine manager (). GetEngineByName ("JavaScript"). Eval (boolexpr1);   

It can not be expected that it can be easy.


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