Prolog - Chain rule for Step Siblings -
I am a newbie for prologue, and one about "series rule" programming for step-siblings The question is "common parents"
In my program, I am assuming that parents (X, Y) claim the fact that X believes that Yi is the mother of Yi. I need a rule series (X, Y, L): If X is the ancestor , then the L list < / Em is> include all ancestors of X, Y and Y, which are descendents of X, which are listed in the descending age sequence ( oldest first ). In other words, my list should include all those people who link to a person with ancestors . Example: If series (Peter, Mary, [Peter, Paul, Sue, Mary]) , then Peter Paul is the guardian of Paul's parents Sue , and Sue Mary Is the guardian of Note: I'm familiar with the relationship with step sibling (A, B) where their relationship is their parents partners (X, Y ) ; Where there is the child of brother A and B their related parents through the relationship children (A, X) and children (b, y) . Therefore ; I am only confused with the relationship where both step sisters share a common guardian i.e. A child's relationship that can look like this: Children (A, X) and Children (B, X) . This is an interesting twist on general pedigree problems which we discuss in the rapid prol First consider a simplification, then you have a predicate This should work fine with a sample database like this: This will work for a question like It appears to work: I'm worried, because stepping in your question is mention of siblings and that should include other people in the series. Is this just a bunch or do you have additional requirements? If so, they are not showing in your example, so I may need to increase your question with additional details. Ancestors (X, Y) is true if the ancestor of XY
parent (x, y) which says that X is the root of Y. You can write
ancestor / 2 in this way:
% base case: your parents ancestor of ancestors (x, y): - guardian ( X, Y). Ancestor (X, Z): - Parent (X, Y), Ancestor (Y, Z)
Parent (Peter, Paul). Parents (Paul, Sue) parents (Sue, Mary)
ancestor (Peter, Mary), who That's close to what you want. The next step will be to maintain the chain, which will look like this:
series (x, y, [x, y]): - guardian (x, y) Chain (x, z, [x | chain]): - guardian (x, y), chain (y, z, chain).
? - Chen (Peter, Mary, X). X = [Peter, Paul, Sue, Mary]; false.
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