SDWebImage crash in swift -

It seems that I use "self" in the whole block, it will crash.

  Self.imageView.sd_setImageWithURL (MYIMAGEURL, placeholder image: zero, option: SDWebImageOptions.RetryFailed, progress: {(Received size: Int!, Expected size: Int!)}}, Completed: {(Image: UIImage ?, Error: NSError ?, Cache Type: SDIJType !, imageURL: NSURL?) If Image {UIView.transitionWithView (self.imageView, Duration: 0.3, Options: UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptions. TransitionCrossDissolve, Animation: {}, Completed: {(Finished)}})}}    

< P> SDWebImageModule is an actively developed open source component. This is a lot better than the developers have already made some releases.


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