Bootstrap 3 navbar-right not collapsing at tablet width? -
I have a basic Bootstrap 3 navbar with a nine-right dropdown, but when I get it from the big desktop to the tablet size Do I fall down in the fall, it jumps under the main menu?
I think this is to change the media query section, but I'm not sure why I need to change. Can anyone help?
Replacing collapsed mobile navbar breakpoints
When the viewport is compressed compared to @ grid-float-breakpoint, its vertical mobile view has dropped in, and its horizontal non-web site is low At low @ grid-float-breakpoint width -Mobile view. Adjust this variable in lower sources when Navbar falls / spreads. The default value is 768 pixels (smallest "small" or "tablet" screen).
So if you want to collapse the navigation bar on the big screen, whatever is appropriate to the value of the @grid-float-breakpoint, Maybe 900 px or less @ screen-MD-min will have to be changed.
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