eclipse - Invalid Key hash with Facebook Android SDK -

I am trying to use Facebook Android SDK to develop a simple app with the Facebook login button. But I'm having trouble with the main margins. I've created both a debug key and a release key:

Debug key:

  keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~ ​​/ .android / debug Keystore | Openssl sha1-binary | Openssl base64   

Release key:

  keytool -exportcert -alias & lt; RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS & gt; -Kistore & lt; RELEASE_KEY_PATH & gt; | Openssl sha1-binary | Openssl base64   

And then I have copied this major hash in the Facebook Developers page. When I export the APK and copy it to the device it works well, but when I try to install the app from Eclipse (as an Android application / run as debug) this work does not do. It seems that the app is using a key key hash that I made with the keyboard. Anyone know how to solve this problem?

Try to get the hashik from here

  Public static void Show HSK (Reference Reference) {Try {PackageInfo info = context.getPackageManager (). GetPackageInfo ("com.example.tryitonjewelry", PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES); // Your package name here (signature signature: info.). {Message Degree MD = Message Dictate.Just Instance ("SHA"); Md.update (signature.toByteArray ()); Logs. I ("keyhash:", base64.exodostostring (md.digest (), base64.default)); }} Hold (NameNotFoundException E) {} Hold (NoSuchAlgorithmException E) {}}    


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