git - mac bundle install for jekyll error occurs -
This event when I install bundle on Mac
Gems :: Extensions: : Builder: Error: Mani Failed to Create Country Extension Building Nozzie using the /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.2_2/bin/ruby-r/siteconf20140725-85993-z0wc6r.rb extconf.rb packaging library ----- libiconv is unavailable. For help setting up dependencies, visit ----- *** extconf.rb Failed *** Could not make Makefile due to some reason, perhaps lacking necessary libraries and / You may need configuration options. Provided configuration options:
with - opt-dir -with-opt-include - without-opt-in = $ { Opt -dir} / include --with-opt-lib -without-opt-lib = $ {opt-dir} / lib - with-make-handling - without-make-go -srcdir = --curdir --ruby = / usr / local / cellar / ruby / 2.1.2_2 / bin / ruby --help --clean --use-system-library-enable-static -disable-static -with - Include Zlib-dir --without-zlib-dir --with-zlib- - without-zlib- include = $ {zlib-dir} / include --with-zlib-lib --without-zlib-lib = $ {Zlib-dir} / lib --enable-cross-build --disable-cross-build extconf failed, exiting code 1
For inspection of gem files / user / dong /. Stay in RVM / Games / RUB -2.1.2 / Games / Notogiriigiri - An error occurred while installing the nokia in logged in results in /Users/Dong/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/extensions/x86_64-darwin-13/2.1.0/nokogiri- (1.6 .3.1), and can not continue the mortgage. Make sure the gem install nokogiri -v '' succeeds before bundling. Then I went to this page with error. What can this do for
----- libiconv is unavailable. For help setting up dependencies, visit ----- just install libiconv . It works on my machine.
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