ios - UILocalNofication firing at specific time all week except 1 day -

I have local notifications in my app to get firing time from DatePicker and I have specific time (which I can take from UIPickerView ) And want to do LocalNotification to set fire on all weekends except Saturdays.

EDIT UIDAT picture * picker = [[UIDaptaker Elok] Init]; [Picker settag: kDatePickerTag]; For (Int i = 0; I

I still have this code, but now I have to set the firing time and I do not know how merge between my gives me TIME and weedDay Which gives me DAY. Do I have any idea if both have the same NSDate object?

If you want to leave on Saturday, you must set a notification for each other for another 6 days , And repeat it again.

  NSCalendar * gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar]; (Intuit I = 0; I & lt; 7; i ++) {NSDAT * ScheduleData = [First Scheduled DateBending TimeInternval: (i * 24.0f * 3600.0f)]; NSDateComponents * componentsForEachDay = [Gregorian calendar component: NSWeekdayCalendarUnitDate: scheduleDate]; If (componentsForEachDay.weekday! = 7) {// Saturday to release UILLocal notifications * Localization = [[UILLOCAL NOTICE ALLOCK] INIT]; Local notifications. Repetition Interval = NSWEEC Calendar Unit; LocalNotification.fireDate = FIRE_DATE; Local Notification. Timonzone = [Nstefjon Default Timezone]; LocalNotification.alertBody = YOUR_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE; Local notification. SoundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName; [[UIApplication shared applicant] schedule local notifications: Local Notification]; }}    


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