jsp - How can I use or any other tag instead of in struts2? -

I have a text field in my jspage page. I have an edit button for this text field, which is a popup Opens and updates the text field. I have to convert it like a text. When I joined & lt; S: text & gt; , I can not save the updated value in DB, I am using struts2 ...

  & Lt; S: TextField maxlength = "3" size = "3" name = "Credential Expiry" readonly = "true" /> Each Straits tag is processed server side: When it is sung in the page (Read: when a JSP is translated into an HTML), it becomes a standard HTML tag  

From that moment, Forget About Tag

Since this question is not completely clear:

  1. If you are textfield like it is still editable, cssStyle = "border: None; Background: Transparent; " ;

  2. If you have to type text in a label, you need to use Javascript, target the source object and replace it with the new, desired HTML.


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