runcommand - Is Run command in Windows executable file? -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text">

Suddenly I have one thing in my mind that the windwos version (winver), calc and execute most of the win applications all the way There are files that will be in Windows or System 32 folder.

Similarly, the run command which we are using Win + R shortcut, is also an executable file? Is it available anywhere in the Windows system folder as an executable file?

When I tried to click to open the file, it is opening the desktop, where exactly do we click on the shortcut, starting from that time?

No, this is not an exe, it's a dialog window that you get in the dynamic link library C shell: \ Windows \ System32 \ shell32.dll

you can call it this way VBScript:

  dim objShell set objShell = CreateObject ( "shell.application" ObjShell.FileRun   

from JScript like this: objShell = new ActiveXObject ("shell.application"); ObjShell.FileRun ();

In this way VB6:

  private sub fnShellFileRunVB () Dim objShell Shell set objShell = new Shell objShell.FileRun set objShell = Nothing End Sub as   

with advanced VB.NET, this becomes:

  dim t2 type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID ( "Shell.Application") as dim obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance (T2) "dynamic obj2.FileRun ()   

If the option is tough" on ", then the way to do it:

  dim type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID ( "Shell.Application") t.InvokeMember as dim object obj = Activator.CreateInstance (t) ( "FileRun", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, something different Mr. No, obj, nothing)   

C # version:

  type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID ( "Shell.Application"); Object obj = activator. Createinstance (t); T.InvokeMember ("FileRun", System. Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, obj, null); // If C # 4.0, the presence of dynamic lookup, this could be: Type t2 = Type.GetTypeFromProgID ("Shell.Application"); Dynamic obj2 = catalyst Creativity (T2); Obj2.FileRun ();    


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