user interface - Java SWT: Widgets(buttons, labels) used properly -

This is my first question but I'm really stuck. Maybe it's my exorbitance for the past few days, but now I looked at Google for a few hours and could not get any closer to the good answer.

I know that SWT is running like all GUIs which I think and when creating widgets, I should keep in mind that they should be able to reach those people with whom they modify / talk Want to But I need to know that if my thinking is correct and if I am not good then what should I do?

Let's say I add Eclipse + Window Builder + swt / jface java project then I add buttons and clawl + click listener (button button), so the generated code looks more or less (main only Method, above only main square and import)

  public static zero main (string [] args) {display display = Display.getDefault (); Shell shell = new shell (); Shell.set size (450, 300); Shell.setText ("SWT Application"); Button BTN Newton = new button (shell, SWT.NONE); BtnNewButton.addSelectionListener (new selection adapter) {@ Override Public Wide WidgetSwitch (SelectionEvent e) {}}); BTN New Button Setbound (51, 31, 75, 25); BtnNewButton.setText ("new button"); CLabel lblOneTwo = new collabel (shell, SWT.NONE); LblOneTwo.setBounds (180, 119, 61, 21); LblOneTwo.setText ("One Two"); (); Shell.layout (); While (! Shell.isDisposed ()) {if (! Display.readAndDispatch ()) {display.sleep (); }}}   

As I know and it's probably obvious to most of you I just can not go and

  btnNewButton.addSelectionListener ( New Select Adapter () {@ Override Public Zero Widget Selected (SelectionEvent e) {}});  lblOneTwo.setText ("three")  And as I know and sometimes use, I declare all the things before the code, as  is a static widget widget < / Code> and after that I can access them basically everywhere, therefore code like  
  static button btnNew button; Static CLabel lblOneTwo; Public static zero main (string [] args) {display display = Display.getDefault (); Shell shell = new shell (); Shell.set size (450, 300); Shell.setText ("SWT Application"); BTnNEbutton = new button (shell, SWT.NONE); BtnNewButton.addSelectionListener (New selectionEdapter () {@ Override Public Zero widget selected (SelectionEvent e) {lblOneTwo.setText ("three");}}); (...)   

works fine but I think and think that this is not the best practice and the way to do it, right? So please, help me, tell me in the right direction so that I can stop coding in one sin. Thanks in advance! Indirect answers will be very good with links to articles / tutorials, but I liked the example people who are being put here because of their obvious way of displaying things.

There are several ways to do this

  1. Your class Create widget field. Do not static until they are needed

      Private label L; Private button b; Public static zero main (string [] args) {... b.addListener (...);    
  2. Firstly define all your widgets (if the should be the last , if you use them in listener / server )>), Then add your listener s.

      last label l = ...; Last button b = ....; B.addListener (...);    
  3. If you want to change the widget to the listener then you can use the Event # Widget Find the source of the event

      b.addListener (SWT.Selection, new listener) {public void handleEvent (event e) {button button = (button) e.widget;}} );      


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