qpython not able to download requests module -
I am importing my script android. In the request module and so I have installed the tp request module on the programming Python I'm using qpython for pip.When I request to run the PIP command, I get the following error: I have this problem twice when installing requests And so I'm not able to run my script. Manually remove, and move it to your lib / site-package / request / folder It may be necessary, from there the dragon should be able to import it. I think the package is not available for qpython, it can work out of the box or it may still need to migrate. After installing qpython on my current device I was able to open the app, go to my QPython - & gt; Use pip_console.py for scripts and to use it, but as you said it fails I'm going up my recommendation later. My installed directory is /sdcard/com.iphipal.qpyplus/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ and that's where I'm going to drop the requested library.
error creation / lib.linux-armv71-2.7 / request / auth.py: action I do not allow qpython
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