ruby - Package app in Shoes4 -

I used Shoes 4 to create a GUI for my Ruby app. Now I'm packing this app, but something is wrong.

I followed this for the package. 'Rack Mani' gave me:

  Rak aborted! No Rakfail found (search: rakefile, rakefile, rakefile.rb, rakefile.rb) org / jruby / 1081: `load 'org / jruby / in 1101:` eval' / users / < / X>  

'install gem' Pkg / shoes-4.0.0.pre1.gem: I was:

  error: a valid gem 'pkg / shoes -4.0.0.pre1.gem '(& gt; = 0) any repository   

' bin / shoes -p swt: app path / to / directory-of / your- shoes-app.rb 'is still packed my app (I though a Mac), the app will not run on Mac and he said' unexpectedly closed "the funny thing is that the app well in Windows 7 Sector walks.

Am I doing something wrong? How should an app work on Max?

Thanks in advance

packaging is still a child and sad time Breaks up.

We fixed some packaging bugs in previous months (especially a Mac)

If the problem persists, please can handle it properly :)


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