php - create one-to-many relationship with campaigns module in sugarcrm -
How do I create multiple relationships with my custom module? And add campaign sub-panel to the module
Campaign warders
$ wordpress ["campaign"] ["fields"] ["cost"] = array ('name' = & Gt; Cost ',' Type '= & gt; Link', 'Relationship' = & gt; Campaign 'Cache', 'Module' = & gt; 'Cost', 'Bin_Name' = & gt; , 'Source' = & gt; 'non-db', 'vname' = & gt; 'lbl_auccs',); $ '[' Campaign '] [' campaign_costs'] = array ('lhs_module' = & gt; 'campaign', 'lhs_table' = & gt; 'campaign', 'lhs_key' = & gt; Id '' rhs_module '' & gt; 'cost', 'rhs_table' => cots ',' rhs_key '= & gt;' campaign_id ',' relationship_type '=> one-by-many'); layout_default property $ layout_addes ["campaign"] ["subnational_setup"] ["campaign_cast"] = array ('command' = & gt; 2 'Date_entered', 'title_key' = & gt; 'LBL_SUBPANEL_COSTS', & gt; 'Cost', 'Subnational_Name' = & gt; 'Default', 'Sort' = & gt; 'desc', 'sort_by' = & Gt;, 'Get_subpanel_data' => gtc:), 1 = & gt; Array ('widget_class' = & gt; subpennel style button', 'mode' => 'multi-select',),));); Custom modules vardefs
$ dictionary ['cost'] ['fields'] ['campaign_id'] = array ('required' => ; 0, 'import' = & gt; 'true', 'audited' => 0, 'len' => 36,); $ '[' Cost '] [' fields'] ['campaign_name'] = array ('required' = & gt; wrong, 'source' = & gt; 'non-db', 'name' = & gt; Campaign_name '' Vname '' & gt; 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_NAME', 'type' = & gt; 'related', 'large scale' =>, 'comments' = & gt; '', 'help' = & Gt; '', 'audited' = & gt; 1, 'Lane' =>> 100 ',' id_name '= & gt; Campaign_ID', 'ext2' = & gt; Campaign, 'Module' = & Gt; 'Campaign', 'rname' = & gt; 'name', 'studio' = & gt; 'visible',); The relationship is added, but the sub-channel does not appear in the campaign module.
In your $ word ["campaign"] ["field"] ["cost"], < Change the Bean_name from value to em> cost . Do I have to enable sub-panel in admin-menu? (Index.php? Module = Administration & amp; action = ConfigureTabs)
Is your error log anything called?
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