php - Zend framework 2 - How to make a language switcher -
I am developing a Zend Framework 2 application and now I want to implement a language switcher where the guest / registered user The language they want, the thing that I can not understand, is done in the Zend Framework 2 (using no URL), after selecting once, guest's favorite language in storage I want to keep it, and the registrar For the average user, I can retrieve favorite cookie / database and it can re-use with storage. But how should I start this and how? Thank you in advance.
Set up your Then you can add a method to your The default locale is now en_US because there is no available space in the session. To change the locale you need to catch users and validate the available locale provided in your Sessions allows users to change their locale and remember it until the session ends, It will not need to change, they come back after a while, hope it will help you and you can save your application for your registered users. A few can write code. locale in your
global .config .php :
'Locale' = & gt; Array ('default' = & gt; 'en_US', 'available' => array ('de_DE' => gt; 'Deutsch', 'nl_NL' = & gt; 'Dutch', 'en_US' = & gt; ; 'English' 'Fr_FR' = & gt; 'French',),),
Application \ Module.php The default that sets
jand \ translator \ translator :
class module {public function on bootstrap (MvcEvent $ e) {$ applicaton = $ e- & gt; ; GetApplication (); $ Service manager = $ application- & gt; GetServiceManager (); // Just call a translator, nothing special! $ ServiceManager- & gt; Mill ('translator'); $ This- & gt; Inittranslator ($ E); // etc, more of your bootstrap function. } Secure function initTranslator (MvcEvent $ event) {$ serviceManager = $ event- & gt; GetApplication () - & gt; GetServiceManager (); // z \ session \ container $ session = new container ('language'); $ Translator = $ service manager- & gt; Receive ('translator'); $ Translator - & gt; SatoCell ($ session-> language) - & gt; Set block block ('en_US'); }}
global.config.php . So to change this you may need to add a controller action which captures the user's input and sets a new locale, without the use of any type of operation of the controller!
Changed public function () {// New container will get that language session if session manager already knows the language session. $ Session = new container ('language'); $ Language = $ this- & gt; GetRequest () - & gt; Received post () - & gt; Language; $ Config = $ this- & gt; Service provider- & gt; Get ('config'); If (isset ($ config ['locale'] ['available'] [$ language]) {$ session- & gt; language = $ language; $ this-> servicing-> get ('translator' ) -> SetLocale ($ session-> language);}}
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