swift - Missing argument for parameter 'options' in call -
I'm trying to compile the following code:
Referee = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer (sample buffer) image = CIMAge (CVMAzfuffer: ref) As close as I can tell, CIMAge is a beginner that only takes a CVMF buffer There is another initializer, which also has an option parameter if I try and provide it, Programmed I get an error that I have called a option except argument, blurgh) Any ideas how to fix?
It's easy! It turned out that the problem was that I was passing the appropriate type in the context. line ref = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer (sampleBuffer) actually rif to unsanhed & lt; & Gt; Structure declares the value, which means that the API is not kept, it shows how the ARC should be interpreted / unrelated, the origin of the ITA is considered to be a loose canon . So what I had to do was clearly tell the compiler to give me an inappropriate version, and then the code works great.
Ref: CVImageBufferRef = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer (sampleBuffer) .take invoice value () give image = CIMAge (CVMZ buffer: ref)
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