android - robospice parse nested object response -
I have returned from a JSON object server like:
{"Success": True, "value1": 1, "other value": {"var1": 1, "var2": "asd", "var3": 2} }
How should I model the reaction class to accept all the values? For example
package com.phoneme.API.popIndex; Import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; @JsonIgnoreProperties (Undiscovered unknown = true) Public class GetResponse {Private string success private string value 1; Private ??? OtherValues; // Recipients and Setors of each
The feedback you are trying to decode It is not necessary to quote the names of the valid JSON area. For example: -
{"success": true, "value1": 1, "other value": {"var1": 1, "var2": "asd", "Var3": 2}} Using this correct version of the message, you can generate your POJO here: -
Good luck!
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