html5 - remove margin / padding space from canvas -
I am working on the canvas object which I made the cylinder canvas object.
But I'm getting white space left, right, up & amp; How to remove those people below I tried to add CSS as the following
canvas {margin: 0 pixels; Padding: 0px; } Still, it was not removing the white space.
Here are my suggestions for finding out my canvas object
Thanks in advance> Great
< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">
Edit: Just move that yellow round to the right place. Code changed:
var cx = 40; Var cy = 60; It was
var cx = canvasWidth / 2; Var cy = CanvasHight / 2; The witch takes it to the center of the canvas I had taken it almost to the very left border, now only you need to move that yellow thing I think it is by you Not written?
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