lambda - Tool to Delambdafy Java code from Java 8 to Java 7 syntax? -
Java 7 is the address of any device to change code (at source level) that lambda and method in Java 7 Does the context use code that uses anonymous internal classes? I know, but it works at the bitcode level, not at the source level.
For now, I have a version job that works as an intelligent plugin. Instead of changing the current Langdas into a package into a package, the current intelligence code has increased. Although the problem with this approach is that it can not work as a standalone tool, say a Maven plugin, because it requires an IntelliJ reference to work.
EDIT: Note that the focus is on changing the lamda / method reference for anonymous internal classes. I'm not worried about API changes in Java 8 that will be caught by a Java 7 compiler and will report as compilation errors. Open the 'project structure' in IntelliJ Idea and set the project language level to 7.0.
If you need to, then analyze your code again. This will help in most cases, but it likes to class on the basis of class (file by file).
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