sprite kit - iOS testing game center leaderboard with different test users -
I have created 3 ~ 4 test users through iTunes - to see if my Leaderboard implementation is correctly Working, I played my game with 2-3 different accounts on one game. But every time I log in with an account and report the score, I only see my score on the leaderboard and it is the only participant, is it expected or should all the accounts I have reported should be on the leaderboard ?
#pragma icon Leaderboard - (zero) authenticationlocal player {GKLocalPlayer * localPlayer = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer]; LocalPlayer.authenticateHandler = ^ (UIViewController * viewController, NSError * Error) {If (viewController! = Void) {[Auto Present ViewController: Animated View Controller: Yes Completed: Zero]; } Else {if ([GKLocalPlayer localPlayer]. Certified) {_gameCenterEnabled = YES; // the default leaderboard identifier [[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifierWithCompletionHandler: ^ (NSString * Leaderboard identifier, NSError * error) {if (error! = Nil) {NSLog (@ "% @", [error localized description]); } And {_leaderboardIdentifier = leaderboardIdentifier; }}]; } And {_gameCenterEnabled = NO; }}}; } - (Zero) Report: Type: (NSNotification *) Notification {NSDictionary * userInfo = notification.userInfo; NSNumber * score = [userInfo objectForKey: @ "highest score"]; Gcsccore * GSKcore = [[Gcsircor Elok] Initweather Layerboard Identifier: _Learardboard Identifier]; Gkscore.value = [number integer value]; [Jiskekor report Smapshnhandlr with SCORES: @ [Jikskor]: ^ (Ansiarar * Error) {if (error! = Nil) {NSLog (@ "% @", [error localized description]); }}]; } - (zero) Show LiderBoard {GKGameCenterViewController * gcViewController = [[GKGenetSecuCentrolor Alok] IIT]; GcViewController.gameCenterDelegate = self; GcViewController.viewState = GKGameCenterViewControllerStateLeaderboards; GcViewController.leaderboardIdentifier = _leaderboardIdentifier; [Self-present ViewController: animated gcViewController: yes complete: zero]; } - (Zero) GameCenter Wii Controller Definition: (GKGMRC controller *) GameController VUIC Controller {[GameCenter Visual Controller Discard ViewController Committed: Yes Completed: Zero]; } This is my implementation of my leaderboard on my project.
I answered something similar, basically an issue with the sandbox accounts in the sports center.
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