Understanding Server Set-up for Using ImageMagick and PaperClip with Ruby on Rails -
I am new to Rail on Ruby (coming from C # / ASP.NET). My question is about changes related to the server when using paperclip and imaging. I followed the tutorial to learn about using paperclip, so when I installed the ImageMagic on my laptop Mac OS to use the paperclip gem, things were very straight forward
obviously That means that ImageMagick was installed on your local machine during development, before pushing for production on Heroku. Is there anything in my ruby app for ImageMagick (code, configuration changes, etc.)? When I push Ruby App to Heroes, things work only for both imaging and paperclips.
How and how is the magic of the magic set of images pushed to the halook? ImageMagic is not a gem, so I am trying to understand that local development software such as ImageMagic is transferred to a production environment like everyone.
ImageMagick, except for the paperclip gem on the Harekoc Server (or any server for that matter) has been installed, when I push Harkooo? Just trying to understand the use of established software like ImageMagic versus gems and how the production environment is pushed and after the push of the output it is done with the "Automatically" app.
I understand how this works, so I can deploy on different server environments (for example, rackspace instead of Heracca) and I have to understand that to make things work To install manually / set-up versus I have to do. I hope this makes sense.
Any help here is appreciated.
Simple answer (I can not bring myself to read my prose) It is to realize that Rail runs on Ruby, which means that it uses the language system
When you set up the jewels, there are two things to consider. First of all, most gems are "internal" only for "ruby"; Which means they will provide functionality for the API or some program; Others work with another gemstone of third-party software - such as MYSQL or ImageMagick when you use a gem with any other software that is available for other software There is a need to install the interface (hence the gem can use it) This is where ImageMagick is being used for many people - Paperclip You should remember that For the active record, the purpose behind it was to keep the setup as easy as possible and treat as many other features as possible. This means that they are not saved at the last place on the disk, nor are they deleted, if not active, ActiveRecord :: Base # save is said to manage assumptions based on this size and appearance If necessary, if necessary, it can turn its fixed image into a thumbnail, and imaging of anything else (which is easy for installing the right packages for most modern Unix-based systems Is easy to install). Attached files are saved in the file system and are referenced by a easily understood specification in the browser, which is a sensible and useful default. A paperclrip can do exclusive work for imaging to manage uploaded images. Image Magic is a "optional addition", from which you can crop / edit images on the fly. Like If you want to crop the image - you need to install library files for ImageMagic Heroko We are simple on Linux, very Windows on Trickier -
ffmpeg (Image Magic Equivalent Video), you can run a paperclip on your own
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