c# - ListView population from array -
I'm trying to fill a data: etc. The code I am using: However, when I address it is only the first column ends dragging and adds it to the same code and nothing else you You can also provide support, thanks for that. Edit 1: Here is the contact list code This code was generated by the designer, and having C remember I'm not sure if enough Jr. me something. < / Div> Then after a little bit of it I got the answer! Detailed view for list view Required to set up for Sorry for the newbie question, hope it helps someone else The Ta. ListView with items from 2D array. Array will be like this:
John Doe, jd @ test.com, 555-123-4567, Test Jane Doe, Jane @ Test. Com, 555-123-4568, test2 test, test, TT @ test. Com, 555-123-4569, test3
(int line = 0; line & lt; data length; line ++) {var item = new ListViewItem (); item. Text = data [row] [0]; For (int col = 1; col & lt; data [line] lang kernel ++) {item.SubItems.Add (data [row] [col]]; } contact list. ITEM Add (item); } I
ListViewItem and display a single line Therefore, it will give me the above given data:
John Jen test
this.ContactsList = new system.Windows Forms.ListView (); ... this. contact list. Reaching details = "Contact list"; this. contact list. Accessible name = "contact list"; this. contact list. Columns Add range (the new system. Vindojkform. Column headers [] {Yhkphla name, Yhknamnam, Yhkimel, Yhkfon number Yhknam}}; it. Contact list. Location = new system. Drop . page (12, 38); it. Contact list. name = "contact list"; it. Contact list. size = new system. it. Contaktslist. TabIndex = 8; it. Contaktslistkupasngt StateImageBehavior = false; it. Contaktslist. Select index changed + = new system. Event handler (this contact. T Select Indies Chenjed);
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