php - Mysql error in a search script -

I have created a script to search for specific profiles in a database.

  if (! Bottom ($ playerListName)) {$ searchQuery. = 'WHERE'% 'like the player's name $ PlayerListName. '%' And playerstats = 1 '; } If ($ playerAge!) {$ SearchQuery. = (! Empty ($ searchQuery)? 'And': 'WHERE'). 'Player edge =' '. $ Player ahead. ' ''; '; } If (is_numeric ($ playerSex)) {$ searchQuery = (! Empty ($ searchQuery)? 'And': 'WHERE'). 'PlayerSex =' $ Player.Sex. "And PlayerStatus = 1 ';} if (! Empty ($ player term)) $ {search query. = (Empty ($ search query)?' And ':' WHERE ').' PlayerPosition = ''. $ Player post '' and playerstats = 1 ';} if (! (Player player citizenship!) {$ SearchQuery. = (! Empty ($ search query)' 'and': 'WHERE') 'Player citizenship =' '$ player citizenship' 'and PlayerStatus = 1';}   

So far, very good. This string of code:

  if (is_numeric ($ playerSex)) {$ SearchQuery = (! Empty ($ discovered)? 'And': 'WHERE'). 'PlayerSacks ='. $ Player sx;   

Displays the player according to sex, but if I add:

  "and playerstats = 1 '; $ Search = (! Empty ($ discovered)? 'And': 'WHERE') 'playerSex =' $ Player.Sex "And PlayerStatus = 1 ';   

I get this error:

There is an error in your SQL syntax; On line1" 1 '' corresponds to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax.

Why I do not understand: - ( Remove duplicate quote at the beginning of

  "and playerstats = 1"; ^ - ------------------------------- here   

and it A change of location.


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