html5 - File upload styling css -
I have used the Season for uploading my file
I It has successfully implemented but I want to show the Is it by CSS Received only ??? Is it possible ?? Please help. Please try the CSS below. Regards M "Which image will I choose" . Like the screenshot below.
.btn-primary {color: #ffffff; Text-shadow: 0-1 pixel RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.25); Background color: # 006 DCC; Background image: -Mo-linear-shield (top, # 0088 cc, # 0044 cc); Background image: -WebKit-gradient (linear, 0, 0, 100%, from (# 0088 cc), from (# 0044 cc)); Background-image: -webkit-linear-shield (top, # 0088 cc, # 0044 cc); Background image: -o linear shield (top, # 0088 cc, # 0044 cc); Background image: Linear-gradient (bottom, # 0088 cc, # 0044 cc); Double-repeat: repeat-x; Filters: Presumed: DXimage Transform. Microsoft.gradient (startColorstr = '# ff0088cc', endocrostustrate = '#ff 0044cc', gradient type = 0); Border color: # 0044cc # 0044cc # 002a80; Border color: RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.1) RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.1) RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.25); FILTER: PROFEDIDATE: DXIMAGE Transforms. Microsoft.redient (enabled = falls); }
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