
Showing posts from February, 2011

Reading a angularjs promise object? -

मेरे पास एक ऐसी सेवा है जो दिखाया गया एक अध्ययन ऑब्जेक्ट देता है: $ = StudyService.studies.get ({id: $ routeParams.studyIdentifier}); मैं अध्ययन ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग करके प्रिंट करता हूं: कंसोल ($; मुझे क्रोम कंसोल पर यह संदेश मिलता है: संसाधन {$ वादा: ऑब्जेक्ट, $ हलः गलत, $ प्राप्त करें: फ़ंक्शन, $ सेव: फ़ंक्शन, $ query: फ़ंक्शन ...} तो मैं यह अध्ययन ऑब्जेक्ट कैसे पढ़ूं? मैं इसकी सामग्री प्रिंट करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूँ उदाहरण के लिए एक आईडी, और मामलों की एक सूची है। मुझे प्रिंट करने में सक्षम होना पसंद है: console.log (; console.log (study.cases.length); मैं इसे कैसे पूरा कर सकता हूं? मुझे लगता है कि आप 'एनजीआरससोर्स' का उपयोग कर रहे हैं आपकी सेवा से एक प्रतिक्रिया के रूप में एक वादा प्राप्त कर रहे हैं यदि हां, तो उस मॉड्यूल का उपयोग करने के कुछ दस्तावेज हैं और ऑब्जेक्ट्स को कैसे रिटर्न करना चाहिए। $ resource हालांकि आपके उदाहरण के लिए, आपको केवल निम्नलिखित कार्य करने की आवश्यकता होगी StudyService.stud...

Rails bundler not installing spree gems -

I am trying to create a new Rail application that uses flowing, I spree_fancy I am trying to install the gem and it was told to add my gemfile This is my gem file: source 'https: // rubygems .org 'gem' rail, '4.1.4' gem 'sqlite3' gem 'sass-reels',' ~ & gt; 4.0.3 'Gem' euglaform ',' & gt; = 1.3.0 'gem' coffee-rail ',' ~ & gt; 4.0.0 'Gem' jquery-rails 'gem' turbolinks 'gem' jbuilder ',' ~ & gt; 2.0 'Mani' sdoc ',' ~ & gt; 0.4.0 ', Group :: Doctor Mani' Spring ', Group :: Vikas Mani' spree ',' 2.3.1 'Mani' spree_gateway ',: git = & gt; 'Https://' ,: Branch = & gt; '2-3-stationary' gem 'spree_auth_devise' ,: git = & gt; 'Https://' ,: Branch = & gt; '2-3-stationary' gem 'spree_... - Send Authorization cookie when calling OData service -

I have 2 web applications. The first web application contains ASP.NET web pages and a subscription provider has been used for authentication. The second web application is strictly an Odata Web API site that requires authentication. Both the sites on the Web site have "machine validity key / decryption" and both are using "form" authentication, similarly "name of the form .testAUTH" When I call the OData service and inspect the identity for both threads and httpcontext, they are both empty and certified for the name. So how can I identify Odata? TETATU cookie? Edit: Well, that's what I did. It does not seem right, but if someone knows better, please let me know dbContext.BuildingRequest + = AddCookie; Private Zero AddCookie (Object Sender, Microsoft.odata.Client.BuildingRequestEventArgs E) {var authCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies ("Testwath"); E.Headers.Add ("cookie", ".teastAUTH =" + authCo...

Update mysql in if condition in php -

मुझे एक समस्या है visual_form_builder (वर्डप्रेस प्लगइन) में मैं फ़ील्ड के मान को पोस्ट करना चाहूंगा और इन फ़ील्ड मानों के साथ बाद में मैं अपनी mysql तालिका में रिकॉर्ड को अपडेट करना चाहूंगा। समस्या यह है कि अगर कोई शर्त नहीं है, तो बस mysql_query कमांड तो कमांड चलाते हैं, और यह mysql तालिका में field_description फ़ील्ड को अपडेट करता है। लेकिन यह स्थिति में है, यह mysql तालिका अपडेट नहीं करता, लेकिन यह "पोस्ट" प्रदर्शित करता है अगर मैं mysql क्वेरी में कमांड डालता हूं, तो यह चलती है और dbtable के लिए नई लाइन सम्मिलित करता है। कोई विचार? कृपया मुझे और धन्यवाद पहले से करें! यहां मेरा PHP कोड है: यदि (isset ($ _ POST ['save_form'])) {प्रिंट "पोस्ट & lt; br & gt; , "; Mysql_query ("UPDATE wp_visual_form_builder_fields SET फ़ील्ड _विश्लेषण = 'मान 4' WHERE field_id = '31'"); } यहां स्रोत कोड के html कोड का हिस्सा है: & lt; form method = "post" id = "visual-form-builder-update "एक्...

c# - Web.config URL Rewrite -

I would like to rewrite all those files which are real files or actual directories, and / api / * to ~ / Default.aspx . This is what I have done so far: & Lt; Conditions & gt; & Lt; Input = "{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType = "IsFile" reject = "true" /> & Lt; Input = "{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType = "isDirectory" reject = "true" /> & Lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; Action type = "rewrite" url = "Default.aspx" /> & Lt; / Rules & gt; & Lt; / Rules & gt; The problem with this is that it also rewrites / api / * as default.aspx . Try adding the following condition: & lt; Condition & gt; & Lt; Input = "{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType = "IsFile" reject = "true" /> & Lt; Input = "{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType = "isDirectory" reject = "true" /> & Lt; Input = "{UR...

Using variables to save a repetition field in FileMaker -

I have found a fraction number in which there are many iterative ones I want to use a variable to save it so that the user Clicking on the button can show all the details of these parts in different layouts. But I do not know how to use variables to save many values ​​in this way. And I do not know how many iterations for each part number. Although FileMaker allows areas of duplication and for some database developers behind them, They should never be used for data, as mentioned by others, you should reconsider the data structure. It is being said that you can get information in repeating the area by referring to the repetition described in repetition. If you have repeated repeats called "partNumber" with 10 iterations, then you recurrence by each: Partnumber [1] Partnumber [2]. . . Partnumber [9] Partnumber [10]

Excel: Removing Duplicate Values Using Array Formula For Multiple Columns -

I am trying to remove duplicates from 7 different columns and add unique values ​​to a column and I The way to do this is to use the Excel formula I have tried the array approach below, but it does not work for more than one column: = INDEX ($ A $ 11: $ A $ 100000, MATCH (0, COUNTIF ($ C $ 11: C11, $ A $ 11: $ A $ 100000), 0)) Here What do I want: Data start: column 1: abdcbi column 2: cghfdc column 3: feagba results end: abcdefghi ... (order is not important) Not sure that this really answers the question, but you can try to use COUNTIFS to identify the rows where there are duplicate values ​​in combination with two or more columns: = COUNTIFS ($ B: $ B, $ B1, $ C: $ C, $ C1) This formula contains those lines Passenger numbers will be back to where B1 and repeats itself in C1. You can copy and paste each row in your formula, or use it as an array formula. Here's more about how to do this:

windows - Powershell -- changing Network Adapter's Name/Description -

I am working with several VMs and doing some monitoring things. My current problem is that the name of the network adapter / interface in the counter differs in the operating system, it can be anything from Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter on Microsoft Network Adapter # 3 I'm looking into, but it does not seem easy because they are stored in the ridiculous ugly GUID set. I also considered using the win32_networkadapter class under wmi-objects, but I think it is capable of receiving the interface (not set up) properties, but I think it is not certain That Permanman's counter name will be affected). Any guidance will be greatly appreciated! If there are commands in Hyper-V Server 2012 or Windows 8.1 that you are using can do. Go-Vmnetworkadapter and set-vmnetworkadapter

php - syntax Error in Mail::send Laravel -

I'm not sure why I'm getting this simple error is the error telling me that ; should not be. syntax error, unexpected ';' With my code below I did not find any errors: mail :: send ('emails.invite.invite', $ user, function ( $ Message) ($ email) {$ message- & gt; Topic ('Message subject'); $ message- & gt; ('', 'Sender name'); $ message- & gt; ; From ($ email); // recipient address}); But when I add an array, I get the error: mail :: send ('emails.invite.invite', array ( 'Link' = & gt; URL: route ('account active', $ code), $ user, function ($ message) usage ($ email) {$ message- & gt; topic ('message subject'); $ From message- & gt; ('norele @', 'sender name'); $ message-> ($ email); // recipient address}); if ($ user) {mail :: send ('emails.invite.invite', array ('link' = & Gt; URL :: ...

Magento Shopper update sku qty via import CSV only process the first record -

I'm sure what's going on, but use this template ( I am unable to update the volume using CSV import. Here is the contents of my CSV file: sku, qty sku_red, 444 sku_green, 222 sku_blue, 333 However, Every time I change it to System & gt; Import / Export & gt; Import & gt; Products: Replace existing , then it will replace the quantity of all my products: "444" (previously recorded). It only takes the first line of the CSV and applies to all my products. My product setup is: Red (simple) - sku_red Green (simple) - squash_green Blue ( The main thing (configuration product related to the above 3 products) - sku_main The only thing I can do is to simulate the base magenta website (non-template) Tried and worked it perfectly. Would you please tell me how to fix it ?? Or maybe you can find out which file (PHP) I can see which is relevant to the Magneso product import process ?? Thanks I just went through a single ...

python write text to file slower than printing text to terminal with python? -

I am writing a program that takes a string and calculates all possible repeating permutations from this string. I will show some pieces of my code, I would be grateful if someone could talk to me how to improve the speed at the time of sending the data to the data. Scenario 1 For output of stdout, itertools import itertools.product to 531,441 lines of words (3mb) To write (abcdefghi, repeat = 6): print (word) scenario 2 Then I send output to a file instead of stdout Tried, and it took roughly 5 minutes to take a rough time. Import itertools into word_counter = itertools.product for word 0 (abcdefghi, repeat = 6): word_counter = word_counter + 1 if word_counter == 1: open ('myFile', 'Mau' ) Write (word) someone else. Open ('myFile', 'A'). Keep track of the number of repeated permutations as writing (word) the wordquint function is looping. When WordQoint creates a file in the program 1 and then attach the file to the data, when the ...

How to make jquery.inputmask work with input type=number? -

I use this plugin while the code works fine until input type = text, but I type = number so that mobile The appropriate keyboard can be shown on the device. Is there a way to do this, what is the hope that I made a mistake in the documentation? Here's my html: & lt; Input id = "value" name = "value" type = "number" placeholder = "0.00" tabindex = "3" /> This is my JS: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# price'). Input mask ("[ 9] [9] 9.99 ", {Native Interpute: true," placeholder ":" 0 ", Shomascanohor: false, greedy: wrong});}); jQuery's input mask plugin () setSelectRange , SelectStart , selectionEnd (in) These properties / methods are & lt; Input type = "number" /> in the field, when they update according to a W3C change. If you think W3C seems to have erased these features on the number field, please Vote to resolve this problem...

html5 - How can I link data-src images to internal page? -

It is with me that I like the size of different screen sizes, although I can not find any way to make it The link on the home page, even the script which I tried to link, does not even work ... I hope this is a simple fix ... somewhere thanks before The link for index.html is actually working for me. You may not click the image due to many issues with your markup and JS. You should check more information. You are using sign $ in your JS. I think you want to use jQuery? You must include it first, for example, put the following in your HTML file: & lt; Script src = "//"></script>

c# - Will a return inside of a for loop leak memory? -

Basically everyone should know that any return inside the for loop will be due to C # in the memory leak. / P> for (int i = 0; i Generally I will not write code like this but I was wondering what would happen if I had done it. No, it will not leak memory.

c++ - QNativeImage: Unable to attach to shared memory segment. -

I saw that there is only one thread: this thread was posted about 4 months ago. no answer. That's why I post it again I run this code on Ubuntu 14.04 on Eclipse Luna. #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Opencv2 / opencv.hpp & gt; using namespace std; Using namespace cv; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {Mat img = imread ("/ home / tqjustc / picture / 2.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); Imshow ("opencvtest", img); WaitKey (0); Return 0; } But an error available openness support available QNativeImage: Unable to attach to shared memory segment X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter 9) Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea) resource id: 0x0 X error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or window parameter) 9 Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea) resource id: 0x0 X error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or window parameter) 9 Major opcode : 62 (X_CopyArea) Resource ID: 0x0 X Error: BadDrawable (Invalid Iksmap or window parameter) 9 Major op...

Flex Ant: Compile multiple module -

I am trying to compile my project using ant. I did. But I have a problem I do not know how to solve. & lt ;! - Compile module (s) - & gt; & Lt; Target name = "compile module" dependent = "compilation BLP" & gt; & Lt; Record Name = "$ {LOG_DIR} / LOG _ $ {CURR_TIME_SUBFIX} $ {LOG_FILE_TYPE}" app = "wrong" action = "start" /> & Lt; Cpmdl file = "com / do / pi / visual / DM / module1" /> & Lt; Cpmdl file = "com / do / p / scene / pim / module 2" /> & Lt; Record Name = "$ {LOG_DIR} / LOG _ $ {CURR_TIME_SUBFIX} $ {LOG_FILE_TYPE}" Action = "Stop" /> & Lt; / Target & gt; & Lt ;! - Package module (E) - & gt; & Lt; Macrodef name = "cpmdl" & gt; & Lt; Attribute name = "file" /> & Lt; Sequential & gt; & Lt; Echo & gt; @ {File} & lt; / Echo & gt; & Lt; Mxmlc file = "$ {SRC_DIR...

How to access other network files using notepad++ file explorer? -

This is not a programming question, but I hope you can help me with this. I am editing the code in other PC networks by accessing a network IP address. And what I have done is to hit CTRL + O to give an explanation to an explorer and for this, I can go directly to the file that I need to modify. For example, I am using the file in this IP \ \ xampp In Notepad ++, is there such a plugin? Which network files can display to Explorer? You are not completely sure what you are saying, but when you press CTRL + 0 Then you can type: \\ \ xampp and press enter. She will share that file and let you browse the file in it.

php - @Font-Face not working in codeigniter -

IM just confused why my codes in CSS are not working IM using codeigniter for this project. I have a font named 'Fanar Biji ITC', I keep all the formats in my origin with a sub folder called 'font', but this does not work. Just check it out @ font-face {font-family: "winner hand ITC"; Src: url ('font / 435028077-27990.eot'); Src: url format ('embedded-opentype'), url ('font / 435028077-27990.svg # Viner Hand ITC') format ('SVG'), URL ('Font / 435028077-27990.woff') format ('woff'), url ('font / 435028077-27990.ttf') format ('truetype'); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; Body {background: # 000! Important; Color: #fff; Text Align: Justify; Font-family: "winner hand ITC"! Important; Direction: ltr; } But when I open my page, it always uses the default font. Font-family is not supported in many sources Check your browser

ios - aws multipart upload change token solution? -

I was trying to implement a multipart upload using the S3UploadPartRequest class. However, I was wondering how to deal with the following situation: During the multilevel uploading, I change the token for some reasons like ExpiredToken and here is my question: do I upload or I still Should the working part start? It shows that the part I have already uploaded is still working , I just need to upload them the rest.

iphone - didReceiveRemoteNotification is not being called in background mode until I do not tap on notification in ios -

Text after " I searched for hours, but somewhere that is saying, - (void) application: (UIApplication *) application didReceiveRemoteNotification: (NSDictionary *) userInfo fetchCompletionHandler: (void (^) (UIBackgroundFetchResult)) called completionHandlerNotification , regardless of the application In active state or inactive state without doing. Somewhere call it say when the application is not pushing active notification your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and there you can find such notifications: NSDictionary * userInfo = [launchOptions objectForKey: UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey] in my case, both are working if the tape user notification and everything is fine, but occurs when the user notification and not directly open the app icon, tap issue, Neither did FinishLaunchingWithOptions indicates that it is not reported nor does didReiveiveRemoteNotification appear. How do I tap on the notification, save the messages in the database without c...

core location - iOS Background Execution and Preventing an App from being suspended/terminate -

I am working internally distributed iOS app (i.e., no app store), and I would like to be the device Able to report the location of 10 minutes continuously. However, I have included the UIBackgroundModes as a key in the Location field in my plugin, hoping that my app has background It would be enough to keep alive, while every 10 minutes I used to run the timer. However, I have come to know that, in some circumstances, the app stops reporting these incidents, I suspect that the app is being moved to a suspended state, even if memory obstacles are terminated due to my own Used devices to analyze memory footprint, and I have rejected fugitive memory allocation as a reason for the end. How can I stop running my app in a suspended state? Docs This Location says about background mode: Enabling this mode prevents the system from not suspending the application, but it tells the system that whenever the location is new To distribute the data, is great so it can be suspended, b...

Return an array from a C++ function -

My question is the same, but it is not that it is an input array, then the array returns. My input is integers, and returns are array. I have an array that receives some numbers, and makes it an array. int makearr (int a, int b, int c) {arr [2] = {a, b, c}; Return? // How can I return it} int main () {// and use it? } I want everyone to array and display it. Note: Sorry, my software does not support Tupless. A vector ? template & lt; Typename T & gt; Std :: vector & lt; T & gt; Manufacturer (TA, TB, TC) {TD [] = {A, B, C}; Return std :: vector & lt; T & gt; (D, D + 3); } Std :: vector & lt; Int & gt; X = Capricorn (1, 2, 3); // Entry x [i] If all types of standard containers are verboton then: template & lt; Typename t & gt; Structure three {TD [3]; }; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; From three & lt; T & gt; Manufacturer (TA, TB, TC) {Three & lt; T & gt; D = {{A, B, C}}; Return D; } Three ...

ruby - How do I initialize or show a nested form in rails? -

I follow complicated nested forms in Rail Nest and I have done this, there are some changes here and there. But the question is how do I automatically load nested forms without using the controller? DEF New @ model = model. New model @ end Many thanks! How do I automatically load the nested form without using the controller? ? Partial to include a simple (wrong) answer that will define the ActiveRecord object above, such as: # app / views / controller / _your_partial .html.erb & lt;% Model = Model New% & gt; & Lt;% & gt; & Lt;% = Model-do | F | & Gt%; Problem With this, it goes against the railways in the world of God, - - MVC Your question is exceptional because it goes against one of the main elements of the rail: This means that every request The app (via URL) will be catered by a controller action . The role of the controller is to configure / gather the necessary data to run the app...

javascript - Which selector to use? -

I want to access the input tag or square of input through JS as selector so that I can reach next keyboard. The input element through the arrow It is not accessible by mentioning the name of the class, but after removing all the tags except the input tags and it works by inserting 'input' as the selector, such as but when I It is not accessible with the name of the class This is my use code: & lt; Table id = "foo" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td height = "30px" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "nav_class" value = "" & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td height = "30px" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "nav_class" value = "" & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td height = "30px" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "nav_class" value = "" & gt; & Lt; / TD...

ios - Where to Initialize NSMutableArray to Prevent Erasure -

I am trying to create an NSMutableArray in which a float (has been changed to NSINtega) has been added to it when a button Is pressed. The button is connected to a timer controller and the block code in its implementation file is as follows (if you can ignore the statement in case of this question): - (IBAction) timeSaveButton: (UIButton *) Sender {if ([self.timerStartOrStop.titleLabel.text isEqual: @ "Start"]) {Recorded Times * myTimes = [[Record Times alloc] init]; [MyTimes addNewTime: self.timerTime]; }} In the "RecordedTimes" class, this refers to declaring NSMutableArray and "addNewTime" method in .h files @interface RecordedTimes : NSObject @ Property (Nonomatic) NSMUTABLEERE * Time entered; - (zero) addANewTime: (float) timer; @end its implementation file @implementation record time - (zero) addANewTime: (float) timerime {NSMutableArray * myTimes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] in this]; [MyTimes addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ ...

c++ - Segmentation fault (core dumped) only bigger input -

My code works perfectly if seive (n) is 1000000. If seive (n) is greater than 10000000, then it shows me the division fault (core dump). I have read about the mistake of division, but I could not solve it with it. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Math.h> using namespace std; Init Sieve (long int n) {long int a [n]; (Long int i = 2; i & lt; = n; i + = 1) {a [i] = i; } Long end root = (int) sqrt (n); (Et c = 2; j & lt; = root; j ++) {for (int q = 2 * j; k & lt; n; k = k + j) {a [k] = 0; }} Int count = 0; {If (A [L]! = 0) count ++ for (intL = 2; L & lt; n; ++ l) } Printf ("% d \ n", count); } Int main () {seive (1000000); } long int A [n]; This is an array on the stack. It's really big, if your stack is big enough to catch it in those cases it's not big enough and you'll receive a stack overflow error. The solution includes: Dynamically allocated memory: Long int * A = (long int *) Malloc (n * sizeof (lo...

mongodb - Dynamic mongo projection - a projection that uses a field in the document to determine the projection -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक वस्तु है: {डिफ़ॉल्ट: 'x', प्रकार : {X: 1, y: 2, z: 3}} क्या यह सिर्फ प्रकार। X का चयन करना संभव है (अर्थात {"types.x" का प्रक्षेपण: 1} ) यह जानने के बिना कि x डिफ़ॉल्ट पहले से है? दो प्रश्नों को स्पष्ट रूप से संभव है और जो मैं देख रहा हूं वह नहीं। दुर्भाग्यवश यह अभी तक उपलब्ध नहीं है एकत्रीकरण ढांचे के भाग के रूप में हालांकि, के अनुसार, यह वर्तमान में "अनुसूचित नहीं द्वारा नियोजित" है वर्तमान में ऐसा करने का एकमात्र तरीका नक्शा / कार्यक्षमता को कम करना है यदि आप आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं और इसका इस्तेमाल करना चाहते हैं, तो इसका अर्थ निम्न रूप से करना होगा: प्रत्येक दस्तावेज को _id द्वारा मैप करें और उचित कुंजी का उत्सर्जित करें। चूंकि केवल एक मूल्य प्रति कुंजी होगा, फ़ंक्शन को कम करने के लिए कॉल नहीं किया जाएगा, लेकिन फ़ंक्शन को कम करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले वेरिएबल को अभी भी प्रारंभ करने की आवश्यकता है। आप खाली फ़ंक्शन या रिक्त स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। अपनी पसंद के संग्रह में परिणामों को सहेजने / कम करने, मैप च...

jsp - sharing Session managed bean between 2 web projects with websphere extension -

We have to use the same session in 2 different web modules using the WebPier extension in the same project. To get a session from a web module in other web modules P> Common Project ER Project Web Project 1 Web Project 2 We The WebSpace extension has been implemented for your project In our web project 1 first.jsp is the code from which we are sending the code - getFacesContext (). GetExternalContext (). GetSessionMap () Put ("key", common session bean); 4. In our web project 2, there is sec.jsp in which we are getting sessions. Code - getFacesContext () GetExternalContext (). GetSessionMap () Obtain ("key"); The above code returns an object, but we need a normal session so the object returned to us is typed in the normal session type Now when we run first.jsp on the server, we get an error java.lang.ClassCastException: common.session.Sess with common anomaly. Try changing the AAR Classloader policy to APPLICATION and use the Singleto...

encoding - VB6 program on Windows 8.1 fails to print Hebrew with Printer.Print -

I have an old program written in VB6. I'm trying to do the right thing on Windows 8.1 Everything works, besides sending text to Hebrew on the printer, the printer "???" It prints out instead of Hebrew characters that it is an encoding problem, but I have not found any way to solve it. This program works on Windows 7 without any problem! Relevant code: printer.fonts.churset = 177 'Hebrew encoding printer. Print '& lt; , "Printer.EndDoc If anyone has advice, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks! This usually means that the font used does not have those characters in. Arial in stuff like ¬ μ® ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ§§. object. Font Name [= font] Font Name property syntax has these parts: Extra details Object is an object acne for an object List on the insell Name Note Specify the default font for this property to use the string expression used to specify font fonts. The fonts available with Visual Basic vary depending on your system con...

Ruby On Rails With MySQL -

मुझे यह समस्या है MySQL के साथ, क्या समस्या हो सकती है? मैंने mysql2 को इंस्टाल किया है और अब त्रुटि है: सबसे पहले यह: मणि स्थापित mysql2 - '--with-mysql-lib = "c: \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें \ MySQL \ MySQL सर्वर 5.5 \ lib" --with-mysql-include = " C: \ Program Files \ MySQL \ MySQL सर्वर 5.5 \ शामिल करें '' तब: बंडल कॉन्फ़िल्ट बिल्ड। Mysql2 '--with-mysql- Lib = "c: \ Program Files \ MySQL \ MySQL सर्वर 5.5 \ lib" --with-mysql-include = "c: \ Program Files \ MySQL \ MySQL सर्वर 5.5 \ में शामिल करें '' आपका रास्ता भिन्न हो सकता है कृपया कि पहले की जांच करें। आपकी जेमफ़ाइल में: मणि 'mysql2' तब कमांडलाइन के माध्यम से : बंडल इंस्टॉल

angularjs - Angular directive not working with ng-repeat -

I made an angular instruction but it will not work with ng-repeat I do not know why The second instruction runs successfully. Javascript: Angular Module ('myApp', []). Controller ('Ctrl', ['$ scope', function ($ scope) {$ scope.vvv = []; $ scope.bbb = []; $ scope.testdatas = [{text: 0}, {text: 1 }, {Text: 2}, {text: 3}]}]]). Directive ('wstCheckbox', function) {return {restricted: 'EA, replace: correct, template:' & lt; Div ng-transclude & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; , Scope: {modelname: '=' // ths is model}, translact: true, link: function (scope, element, etters) {console.log (element) $ (element). Find ('input' [type = ('input' (check) '). (' Change ', function () {scope.modelname = []; scope. $ Apply (function () {$ (element). ('Input [type = checkbox]: checked'). (Function () (scope.modelname.push ($ (this) .val ());}}}}}}}}}) HTML: & lt; wst-checkbox model name ...

Git repo with files from multiple directories (dotfiles syncing) -

I would like to make a repo with my dotfile and some other files, which I would like to sync in many machines. Files spread across multiple directories (not only ~ home directories) Can keep track of files in many directories, which are not for subdirectories where .git / Is stored? I have come to the best solution now to create a script to copy a dotfile into a single directory where GIT is init in the repo. What people usually do, there is a git repo, say ~ /. Dotfiles and then use symbolic links from the directory where the dot file should be. Look for more inspiration.

c# - Create instance of ActionBar Xamarin Android -

Iam I have done something like using the actionbars in your app: - actionbars .SetDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled (true); ActionBar.SetHomeButtonEnabled (true); But I get a compilation error like: - Non-static field, method or property requires an object reference 'Android. Support .V7.App.ActionBar.SetDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled (bool) ' How can I make an example of the actionbars because it's an abstract class? Edit: - I did this with the solution of the wakaslem: - Public Square Homescreen: Action Breakwave ™ {Personal Dreverlayout _ DAR; Private MyActionBarDrawerToggle _drawerToggle; Private list view _drawerList; Private Stable Actionbear Actionbars; Private string _drawerTitle; Private string _ title; Private string [] _planetTitles; Protected Override Zero Accuracy (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {base.OnCreate (SavedInstanceState); SupportRequestWindowFeature (WindowCompat.FeatureActionBar); SetContentView (Resource.Layout.homescreen); _title = _drawerTitle =...

ios7 - What is maximum resolution of an image that can be loaded in UIImageView in iOS Devices? -

UIImage के अधिकतम रिजोल्यूशन क्या है जो कि UIImageView आईओएस डिवाइस में सेट इमेज: विधि का उपयोग कर? आप किसी भी लोड कर सकते हैं एक UIImageView में छवि के आकार के रूप में लंबे समय तक स्मृति मुक्त है लेकिन यह UIImageView नहीं है जो कि स्मृति को ले रहा है, लेकिन UIImage । जैसा कि ऐप्पल आपको बताता है कि निम्नलिखित में लोड नहीं होना चाहिए बड़ी छवि: आपको UIImage ऑब्जेक्ट्स बनाने से बचना चाहिए जो कि 1024 x 1024 आकार से अधिक हैं। ऐसी छवि को बड़ी मात्रा में मेमोरी के अलावा, आप ओपनजीएल ES में बनावट के रूप में छवि का उपयोग करते समय या छवि को किसी दृश्य या परत पर चित्रित करते समय समस्याओं में चल सकते हैं। यदि आप कोड-आधारित जोड़तोड़ प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं, तो यह आकार प्रतिबंध लागू नहीं होता है, जैसे 1024 x 1024 पिक्सल की तुलना में किसी छवि का आकार बदलकर उसे बिटमैप बैकड ग्राफिक्स संदर्भ में चित्रित करना। वास्तव में, आपको इस तरह से एक छवि का आकार बदलने की ज़रूरत हो सकती है (या इसे कई छोटे चित्रों में तोड़ सकता है) ताकि आप इसे अपने किसी विचार को आकर्षित कर सकें।

Cassandra RackInferringSnitch datacenter name -

Rack uses October 2 as the inferring snitch datasetter, and in the form of a third rack. When using NetworkTopologyStrategy for replication, do people actually use numbers as a datacenter name? As if an IP is, then a table construction will look like this: Replication = {'class': Table with 'NetworkTopologyStrategy' table blah (id int primary key, foo text ), '222': 3} Is it common? Or is there a way to nick '222' component? Or is not RackInferringSnitch actually used? Should we stick to snatch the property file? I think this snap is in the form of an example Write a custom switch I do not think its Use has to be done in production.

Thread coordination with WaitForSingleObject and CEvent in MFC -

itemprop = "text"> There are many worker formulas in one of my MFC applications, the nature of these threads is as follows: Most threads execute their tasks once and consider any condition correct for further execution. In some cases, threads wait infinitely until the situation is correct and in other cases it waits for some time period and based on condition or time Whatever is before before the end of the period, there is some action in it, and then the wait begins. Threads have to be run in the entire life cycle of the application, but it is not necessary that every moment should work current In each thread, there is an infinite loop, where it works; Since every thread has to work during the lifecycle of the application, I do not want to stop these threads every time and rest again. Inside the loop I have used WaitForSingleObject with an auto-reset sewave for such thread syncing. Seventh objects have been signed from any thread or from UI threads. In ...

c# - iTextSharp Input string was not in a correct format css error -

I am trying to get my MVC application to create a PDF file based on MVC views. I got this work with simple HTML But I would also like to introduce my CSS files which I am using for the browser. Now some of them work, but with one I get the following error: One type of exception was 'System.FormatException' in mscorlib.dll but it did not handle it in user code Was Additional information: The input string was not in the correct format. I am using the following code: var data = GetHtml (new index model context), "~ \\ View \\ Home \ \ Index.cshtml "," "); (Var document = new iTextSharp.text.Document ()) {// defined output control HTML var memStream = new MemoryStream (); TextReader xmlString = New stringreader (data); PdfWriter Author = PdfWriter.GetInstance (Document, New FileStream ("c: \\ tmp \\ my.pdf", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)); // Open Doc Document open (); // Register all the fonts in existing computer FontFactory.RegisterDirectori...

bash - Add a new directory in shell script Linux -

How can I create a new directory using a function where I give the directory name as a parameter? Example: CreateNewDirectory \ home \ Folder1; # Creates a folder "Folder1" on the home name # foo () {DirPath = $ {1: The path needed for the directory as the first argument} mkdir - "$ dirPath"} then call: foo / path / in / my / new / directory

azure - Sign in to Visual Studio with Organization account instead Microsoft account -

It is now possible to use Visual Studio Team Services from Microsoft Azure without the Microsoft account. This is a good feature and we use it in our organization. Although it seems that we are not able to activate / use the Visual Studio Button and can log in to the organization account because only Microsoft account signals are shown. Is it possible, and if so, enter the Visual Studio 2013 desktop program active / sign-in / active / now with a Visual Studio account instead of a Microsoft account / Visual Studio Client / Sign in with the Microsoft account or work / school accounts (formerly organizational accounts) in IDE. Previously, you could only log into the Visual Studio client with a Microsoft account.

c# - RadioButtonList SelectedIndexChanged event not fired when JS function onclick event is registered -

When I called the radio button list control, click the radio button, JavaScript function, but the server does not have side onchange event Get triggered I considered the "control" incident on this but did not work. The first type - & lt; Asp: RadioButtonList id = "rdoRightPeriod" runat = "server" CssClass = "text" OnSelectedIndexChanged = "rdoRightPeriod_SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack = "true" repetition direction = "horizontal" onclick = "return Sonk confirmed messageBox ()" & gt; & Lt; Asp: ListItem text = "year based" value = "y" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: ListItem & gt; & Lt; Asp: ListItem Text = "Perpetuity" Value = "P" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: ListItem & gt; & Lt; Asp: ListItem text = "base running" value = "r" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: ListItem & gt; & Lt; / ASP: RadioButtonList & gt; ...

java - Extremely slow to find element on Firefox 31 and Selenium 2.42.2 -

I'm testing with Firefox WebDriver and it works quite well until Firefox continues up to 31. Finding an element for Firefox Webdriver will take several minutes, which takes less than a second in the old version. It does not contain all the web pages, nor all the elements on the same page. It seems that only the first person will take so long. Did anybody come in a similar problem? Any advice would be deeply appreciated, thanks in advance! Regarding, Halbo There are selenam logs for reference: 18:02: 55.941 Information - Java: Oracle Corporation 24.51-B 03 18: 02: 55.944 Information - OS: Windows 8 6.2 MD 64 18: 02: 55.961 INFO-V 2.42.2, with Core V 2.42.2. Created from amendment 6a6995d ...... 18: 03: 42.840 Information: Execution: [New Session: Abilities [[firefox_profile = UEsDBBQACAGIAHWQ + UQAAAAAAAAAA ..., browser name = firefox, unexpected alashwar = disregard]]] 18:03 : 42.865 Information - Creating a new session for capabilities [{firefox_profile = UEsDBBQACAG...

javascript - textbox readonly validation php -

I have a Datepicker and I have to be validated and this is just for reading, but my code does not work perfectly Does. help please. This error is my JS & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ("#jQueryValidateTest"). Validate (); $ ("[type = readonly]"). Datacar ({onClose: function () {$ (this) .valid ();}}) ; });a???? & Lt; / Script & gt; And here is my form & lt; Form id = "jQueryValidateForm" action = "reservation / demo.fpp" method = "post" "& gt; & lt; span style =" margin-right: 11px; "& gt; Start date: & lt; input type = "Readable" name = "Start" id = "sd" value = "" maxlength = "10" required = "" / & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & lt; br & gt; & lt; span style = "Margin-right: 11px;" & gt; end date: & lt; input type = "read" n...

Print result of .scrollTop in jQuery -

I am trying to show the value of the .scrollTop () function on the screen while scrolling up and down on the screen, but I can not get it to work. I'm clearly doing something stupid. Please let me know. :) Thanks. & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "mydiv" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; ..... & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tall" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Var $ myVar = $ ('# myDiv'); Var $ myDist = $ window.scrollTop (); $ Window.on ('scroll', function () {$ myVar.text ($ myDist);}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; Here's a bella: OK, the solution was done to cache the window, and insert .ccrollTop () inside the curly braces. thanks for your cooperation. :) Solution: var $ window = $ (window); Var $ myVar = $ ('# myDiv'); Var $ myDist = 0; $ Window.on ('scroll', function () {$ myDist = $ window.scrollTo...

java - about opengles and texture on android -

As we know, OpenGL ES class renderer In 3 function: onDrawFrame, onSurfaceChanged, onSurfaceCreated and we can load the texture in onSurfaceCreated and onDrawFrame . I want to know that I can load the texture before "renderer" . Maybe, I have a square named "map", and I can load the image texture in "map" before making "GLSurfaceView" or "Onsufficient" And the "onDrawFrame" function can load textures before the images. If someone knows this, please help me. Thank you! Not easily but (almost) anything is possible. The important concept to understand here is that OpenGL calls work on a current reference before you can make OpenCL calls, you have to make a reference and turn it on. . The current reference applies to a thread, so different threads can have current current references. I do not think it is clearly defined that what happens if you try to make OpenGL calls without the current context, ...

php - Using this operation -> inside and outside class -

I know how this operation works (- & gt;), but I'm just curious. As you can see from the following code when you use it within a square, then it is $ this-> $ Name is , but outside of a class it's like $ a-> attribute . So why do you first use two dollar sign ($), but second, you only use a dollar sign? I'm very curious. I can ignore it, but it is happening on my nerves. & lt ;? Php class classname {public $ attribute; Public Function __get ($ name) {return $ this-> $ Name; }} $ A = new classname (); $ A- & gt; Attribute = "hello"; Echo $ a- & gt; Specialty; ? & Gt; Thank you in advance $ this - & Gt; $ Name is the class of the object in $ this , $ name you have already passed the value to it, so you have declared that the $ This- & gt; $ Name . $ a-> Attribute which is already declared, so you are accessing the object with the property. If you use unused assets you can directly access $ this-...

repositorylookupedit - devexpress gridcontrol lookupedit repository item disappears -

मेरे पास निम्न है: एक अनबाउंड ग्रीड कॉलम, स्ट्रिंग पर अनबाउंड टाइप टाइप इस कॉलम में एक लुकुकैट रिपॉज़िटरी आइटम है इस रिपॉजिटरी आइटम के लिए मैं displaymember और valueemember गुणों और डेटा स्रोत के माध्यम से सेट किया मैं इस कॉलम का फ़ील्डनाम भी सेट फ़ील्डनाम, डिस्प्लेमेल और वैल्यूमेम्बर एकसमान हैं लेकिन अगर मैं ऐप चलाता हूं और कोई एंट्री चुनता हूं, तो दूर क्लिक करें, इस कॉलम में प्रविष्टि गायब हो जाती है। हां, मैंने गोगल किया है और इस मुद्दे को भी पाया, लेकिन मुझे लगता है, मैंने सही परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए सभी चीजों को सही रखा है या नहीं? क्या कोई बता सकता है, क्या समस्या हो सकती है? इस लेख को पढ़ें

sorting - JCL SYNCSORT: OMIT and INCLUDE are not interchangeable? -

I am getting separate output for these two sort cards, can someone tell me why? 1. = = ((1,3, CH, NE, CABC, AND, 5, 3, CH, NE, CPPRR), or, (1, 3, CH, NE, CACAB '), Or, (1,3, CH, NE, C'CBA'), or, (1,3, CH, NE, CABC ', and, 5,3, CH, NE, CPQR')) Suit Field = Copy 2. omit code = ((1,3, CAP, EQ), CAAB, E, C, RP, C 'CAB', or, (1,3, CAP, EQ, C'CBA '), or, (1,3, CF, EQ, CABC, AND, 5, 3, CF, EQ, CPPRUR)) Field = copy This is basically when there is a non-equal and oct in Eclol. The problem is that you have and and or Of This means that they do very different different tests so that different answers can be given If you look at the first test, especially: (1, 3, CH, NE, C 'CAB'), or, (1,3, CH, NE, C'CBA ') Whether always is true, while anything but CAB or CB : (1,3, ch, eq, c 'cab'), or, (1,3, cf, eq, c'caba ' ) leave and do not (a and b) = (not a) or (not b) not (a or b) =...

javascript - Event binding on dynamically created elements? -

I have a little code, where I'm looping through a selection box on a page and a I'm compulsive. Mouse On / Off P> The problem I have is that after the initial loop, any select box I add through Ajax or Dome will not be constrained. I have found this plugin (), but before I get 5k on my pages with another plugin, I want to see if anyone knows a way to do this, either jQuery With or from any other option should use jQuery 1.7 : $ (staticAncestors) .on (eventName, dynamicChild, function () {}); Before , the recommended approach was to use: $ (selector) .live (eventName, Function () {}); However, live was exempted in 1.7 in favor of , and completely in 1.9 Was removed. Live () Signature: $ (selector) .live (eventName, function () {}); ... can be replaced with the following signature: $ (document) .on (eventName, selector, function () {}) ; For example, if your page is dynamically creating elements with the class name dosomet...

c++ - Template parameters not deducible in partial specialization -

I have a similar problem but it may be that I'm still doing something different, so I do not have any Ask me There are some types that will be tagged with tag structure: template & lt; Typename geometry = void, enable typename = null & gt; Structure tag {typedef zero type; }; And point and triangle tags are introduced: struct point_tag {}; Structure triangle_tag {}; : template to create a point type using std :: vector & Gt; Structure tag & lt; Std :: vector & lt; Double & gt; & Gt; {Typed point_tag type; }; Type of a triangle in the form of the and std :: arrays template: template & lt; Typename point & gt; Triangle = Type name std :: enable_if & lt; Std :: is_base_of & lt; Typename tag & lt; Point & gt; :: type, point_tag & gt; :: value, std :: array & lt; Point, 3 & gt; & Gt; :: type; This argument is enabled if the argument is actually the point_tag as the dot parameter, ...

google analytics - jQuery select element that doesn't have ID or Class -

I want to know for my Google Analytics tracking when someone clicks on the following section of HTML; & lt; Div style = "..." & gt; Square? & Lt; / Div & gt; Since there is no .class or #id in it, I do not know how to select this item. Can not even be added since it is generated by javascript from an external source. Otherwise it will just happen; $ j ('# uniqueId'). If there is a change in the content ('click', function () { But if you know the position of div on the page, then you can use something like this: $ ('# container div'). Eq (n) .on ('click', function () {// your code here}); Where # container is the page container and the n zeros index space of that div That you want to target (relative to other divs in the container). If there is no container, then you try And can: $ ( 'body'). ( 'Div'). Eq (n) .on ( 'click', function) {// Your code here});

apache - inexplicable mod_rewrite behavior -

I have a typo3 installation with the mod_rewrite rule: Just to understand mod_rewrite I Not to make the following rules. If someone makes a request with Yuri and accepts "language" then I /index.php?id=1&l=1 this is my marriage. Htaccess is rewrite angle% {REQUEST_URI}! / / [NC] Rivet Conduct% {HTTP: Accept-language} ^ N [nc] rewriterecll ^ $ / index.f.f.ID = 1 & amp; L = 1 [R = 301, L] rewrite. * /index.php [L] I get a 500 error. In Apache logfile: The request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to a possible configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the range if necessary Use 'log-level debug' to get backtracks. [Venus 25 July 14:14:59] [Debug] Core C (3112): [Client 188.24.87] R- & gt; Uri = /index.php [Fri Jul 25 14:14:59 2014] [debug] Core C (3118): [Client 188.24.87] R- & gt; Uri = /index.php [Fri Jul 25 14:14:59 2014] [debug] Corrected by Core C (3118): [Client 188.24 .87] R- & gt; U...

r - switch to DST: round_date() returns NAs -

In 2013, the Central European Time (CET) took place on Sunday, 2013 for Central European Summer Time (CETT) - 2013, 03-31. Clocks are upgraded from one hour to 2 pm to 3 o'clock, so basically no 2am is there. get started & lt; - strptime ("2013-03-31 01:00:00", format = "% F% T", tz = "CET") bar & lt; - Start + (0: 5) * 60 * 15 times [1] "2013-03-31 01:00:00 CET" 2013-03-31 01:15:00 CET "[3]" 2013-03-31 01:30:00 CET "2013-03-31 01:45:00 CET" [5] "2013-03-31 03:00:00 CET" "2013-03-31 03:15:00 CEST" vector bar returns the NAS by rotating in hours, even before 01:30, before the bar library (lubridate) round_date (time, unit = "hour") [1] "2013-03-31 01:00:00 CET" NA [3] NA NA [5] NA "2013-03-31 03:00:00 CET" Is this a bug, or am I missing something? I'm running: sessionInfo () R Version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10) Platform: x86_64-W64-mingw32 / 64 (64...

python - How to write integers to port using PySerial -

I am trying to use data first serial port, COM1, PySerial. serial ser = serial.Serial (0) print ( ser.baudrate = 56700 ser.write ("abcdefg") ser.close () should work to import. However, I have to send 28 bytes of integer continuously; , using a byte of data with each integer. is trying: import serial ser = serial.Serial (0) print ( ser .broadrate = 56700 while true: ser.write ( 255 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ser.close () increases a syntax error . How do you write an integer on a serial port if you send stars? How can I ensure that each number is sent as 8-bit? , so any help would be appreciated. Firstly, writing 123 12 123 123 123 is not valid Python Syntax . Create a list or a tupe with your integer: value = (1,2,3,4,5) Now, Need to convert to a binary string that represents our values....